Nov 5 2023

80 6 4

Hiya everyone!! :3

Today will be a reallllyyyy short entry bcuz my grandmas coming over and i need to work on Hatred over Haven!! 

Therian stuff:

Ive been getting pretty good at quads and even started back up my therian t1kt0k account again!! :3

i went to the nature reserve by my house and got really shifty, luckily all the snow melted here so if i ever wanna go do quads there, i can !

Other stuffs:

Working on chapter 2 of hatred over haven! And i went to a coffee shop yesterday in the woods lol it was super pretty :3

Bye everypaw thats all i can write right now sadly!! :')

 [insert outro later]

Ace's therian diary #2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن