June 6 2023

114 3 3

Hihi!! Lets see, how long have i been gone this time.. 2, 4, 6.. wow! 19 whole days! I think thats a new record! Haha..hah.. lol

Nywaysssss im pretty bored and been having aloooooota bad thoughts in my head lately so.. So. So. SO- UH- i dont know what to say about that, bad i guess!

So onto therian stuff, first off ive been looking for my masks for a long time but all i can find is my lioness mask which isnt even my theriotype.. so.. im super sad about that especially cuz those masks were all the way from 2020.. :( i'll still look for them more, even if theyre ruined i'll still hold them close to my heart because i love those masks. 

I sound really stupid right now lol but i get attached to things alot.

Second of all i probably cant write alot.. or at all lol cuz of my exam week in uhhh next week? ewww i hate exam week ewwwwww

Ok thats not what i was gonna even say lol i was gonna talk about how im not a fox therian, i was also gonna say that my auads are sooooo rusty so ima go outside and do that i guess! Byeeeebye!! See ya tmorow!!!!!!!!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

Ace's therian diary #2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz