March 1st 2024

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Hello everyone! :D

Since I only wrote one singular part in January, I'm going to work on being more active in March. :3

I don't have realllyyy "big" news.. but I do have somethings I wanna share with you guys!!


life updates:

It's been snowing and then stopping and then snowing again where I live.. but it's fine, because both weathers make me happy!! I personally kinda wish it was spring already, but there's something so magical about snowy trees and frosted grass, y'know? :3

I didn't do much on Valentines, or at all actually.. I've just been sleeping on the floor in a pillow fort >w< (Can you even really call 3 blankets and plushies a pillow fort?.) 

But, yea. I've been sick, I'm just now overcoming it though, so that's good!!!


I think the reason I keep sleeping on the floor is because.. a) I'm too lazy to make my bed again, b) it's wayyyy too comfy, or c) it reminds me of sleeping in my mossy den with my mate and pups, all cozy!!

Or it might be a mix of all three, who knows! 

On another note, frutiger aero, this one aesthetic I've always liked.. makes me really shifty, even though none of my theriotypes are strictly born in grassy lands or made for summer weather at all.. I think the theriotype I connect to it most is Lace, the tortie cat type.

 I think the theriotype I connect to it most is Lace, the tortie cat type

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It's also just really pretty to me.. 

And last but not least!!! I've been thinking of cold weather and frosty snow days and it really makes me shifty for reasons unknown, specifically this song and these pictures.. hold on, lemme get them..


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(Sorry for all the watermarks :<)

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(Sorry for all the watermarks :<)

I dunno.. It makes me feel deja vu (is that how you spell it) and stuff, like I've been to these places before and heard this music somewhere, but I haven't.. Hmmm.


That might be all unless I find something to update with :3 sorry for such a boring first day back entry!!!!!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

(End note: Hi!! I know most of you won't read this but just in case.. I've been seeing alotta work like therian journals getting inspired by me, and it makes me really super duper happy because the therian community was kinda dead on Wattpad for a long time :( but all these new journals are so cool!! Just one thing, if you've read my journal.. and you're making your own journal, then be yourself!!! You don't have to copy every single thing in my journal, the outro, the catchphrases, anything basically. I see soooo many therians trying to make their journals look like mine just to be more "succesful", just be yourself, that's how my stories became so popular.. but a little inspiration is totally fine!! Anyways, that's the rant that I wanted to include, goodbye everypaw, stay safe!! -Ace)

Ace's therian diary #2Where stories live. Discover now