Chapter 3:All that glitters

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After bidding a teary goodbye to my parents and sister who were very disheartened to bid me farewell on such a short notice,I started on my new journey towards my sasural with my pati parmeshwar.

The ride to his house was painfully silent.I know that he was still recovering from  the shock and betrayal given to him by his girlfriend but I couldn't help but feel sad and gloomy. I do realise that this is completely uncalled for,I do feel empathetic for the man who not only has to grieve for the loss of his past love but also has to carry the responsibilities of a relationship with a girl who he doesn't even know properly. However,I am fully aware of the fact that it is the stupid  heart that is making me feel those unwanted emotions,it is making me feel expectant,it is making me feel something rumbling in the pit of my stomach,making me feel those faded memories with the man that I adore,making me excited and nervous at the same time,making me feel the rush of emotions similar to those of a newly wed bride.But hey!!I AM the newly wed bride,I can feel those tinglings, those emotions, those are completely normal for me to feel.

I broke out of my reviere by the honking of the car and turned to see that we had almost reached his house-no, our house.
The driver came out of his seat and opened the car doors for us both.I lifted my lehenga up a bit to walk with ease.Soon,we both were inside the hall of his abode.

I was very tired with the sudden twist of turns that my life took within the span of a few hours.Luckily,we both had to complete only a few post marriage rituals.I was glad for it and  Divyansh's face mirrored the same expression as me sending the message that he was relieved to end of these rituals and go to sleep too.

Not after too long,we both were made to sit beside each other with a pot in the middle filled with milk and rose metals and a ring hidden in it. Whoever among me and Divyansh would find the ring first would be the dominating one in the relationship.We both set our hands to mission,all set to find the ring.

One thing that I forgot to tell is that I have almost negligible luck, everything I have achieved in life is after taking efforts for it,nothing came to me easily in the flick of the fingers. Contradictory to that,I had miraculously found the ring that day before Divyansh could.I guess there's no fault in my stars today.

Inspite of taking that ring out of the pot to declare my win,I decided to do something utterly stupid.Keeping the ring in my first,I kept running my hand in the pot to fetch for my husband's hand. Once I found Divyansh's hand,I pushed the ring to his side.Ah! before I forget to mention it,I had not pushed the whole  ring towards Divyansh,I did push it,but just the half.I still had the half ring in my hand.So basically,we both were holding the ring but from opposite sides.

We both took our hands out of the pot together.My mother in law joking said,"Mujhe nhi lagta ki inn dono mein se koi bhi bada chota hoga,dono ek saman hi honge iss rishte mein".This!This was exactly what I wanted to prove to myself and to Divyansh when I pushed the ring to his side.I wanted him to know that we both would share everything equally be it responsibilities, happiness,sorrow or love. We would be equals to each other walking hand in hand,besides each other,no matter how much time it takes.

But for that, he has to put in some efforts.I know that it would be hard for him and that is the exact reason why I had asked for six months. So that I don't have to wait my whole life for his acceptance or to witness his efforts. If he is willing to grow out of his shell and move from his past and tries to give this relationship a chance after these six months,I would even wait for an eternity for his love.For a woman can live without love but never without loyalty and trust.And I am no exception.I can tolerate him having his space,him being distant  or silent towards me but not at cost of being emotionally invested with someone else. Faithfulness is all what I expect from him.If he is able to provide that,I would never leave him,not after six months,six years or six centuries.

Anyways,coming back to the ritual,as soon as the ritual got completed,I turned to look towards Divyansh who was also looking towards me with a hint of something close to admiration?I don't know what that look meant,but still can't recover from that one look of his.hayee;)

So here's the third chapter of the book.From here on you will witness some of their after marriage scenes and maybe a glimpse of their school life too!
Excited?stay tuned.
Yours truly,

Ek Din Aap : An Unexpected MatchWhere stories live. Discover now