First Night

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The house was still bustling with loud noises here and there. Some of Divyansh's cousins were teasing me with his name. However,none had the courage to say anything to Divyansh.
And who was I kidding to! Every single person in this house knew in what circumstances the marriage took place how there would be absolutely zero chances of skin to skin contact between the bride and the groom this fine night.
Unless Mr.Sehgal is a starved young man that thinks from between his legs,I know nothing sexual would transpire between us today.

The clock was tickling and his cousins finally decided to drop me to his room so that I can have my much required rest.I was as glad as one can be for that.I had a very busy day where I had to marry the man of my dreams who does not even recognise me,not even in his dreams.
I was dead tired because of the happenings of the day but I wasn't going to let my first night slide away just like that Afterall, I too had some dreams about my wedding night. I do need something to compensate for all the dreams for my wedding that came crashing down(well, except that I got my dream groom).

As soon as these thoughts came into my mind, I set into action.I hurriedly sat in the middle of the bed and spread my lehenga on it evenly from all the sides and then pulled the veil down till my chin. I then waited with batted breath for my husband to come. Mahn! "My husband" has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
And just as I thought, I heard the sounds of footsteps a few steps away from the bedroom door and quickly lowered my lashes to look like the shy pretty bride I had intended to look like.

Divyansh came inside the room and locked the door. My breaths were getting uneven with nervousness and anticipation of what I was going to do next.I heard Divyansh suck in a deep breath and I knew that he was going to start his speech of how we got married only due to the circumstances and we don't know each other yet and I definately know for sure that he would say that we shouldn't consummate our marriage atleast not yet.

So,sparing him some time and also letting him save his oh so precious speech,I decided to speak first , " Hi Divyansh! I am Anaisha,if you don't know that hehe,I,umm,I actually wanted to say that I know we haven't been married under normal circumstances and you don't even know me properly and we can't take such a step in our relationship that soon and I completely agree with that too.I think we should give each other time and space to know each other better and umm, I think it would be better to consumate our marriage after you are sure about this whole thing or till the six month time period that we have decided upon."

I heard him sigh in relief. He cleared his throat and then said," I completely agree with you but can I ask you why are you sitting like that on the bed if you didn't expect anything to happen? You could have just changed your clothes instead of waiting like that.I hope I don't sound rude."

Still sitting in the same posture,I answered him in a soft yet mischevious voice," Acha yeh!! You know I had various expectations and tons of scenarios that I had pictured in my head for my first night with my husband.But as fate would have it, I got married in some unbelievable situation and now, I don't even know if I will get to marry someone else once you decide to go your own seperate way after the marriage.Not to force you or something, but I want to experience certain things that I had imagined,so if you don't have any problem,can you come and sit beside on the bed like normal husbands do and then gently lift my veil up? I promise that would be it and it has been my lifelong fantasy.. pretty please?"

Divyansh looked at my with raised eyebrows and said,"So you have been fantasizing your wedding night,your entire life?" I just shrugged in response and said that almost every girl does that but don't like to mention it in front of others.

He nodded his head and said,"okay,since you want this,let's do it." He removed his footwear and came to sit beside me on the bed.He caught hold of the lower end of my veil and then gently started to lift it up,just like I had mentioned.I started lifting up my eyelashes in a dramatic way just like any normal newly wed bride in love would.Hey! I was the newly wed bride in love but my husband didn't know that and neither does he need to. I lifted up my eyelashes to see him shyly and as soon as our eyes met,it seems like a spell was cast on me.I started deep into his eyes and I don't know if he could see that but I was glazing at him with loving eyes,I could feel it.

But that can't be true, right? I don't exactly love him,yet.I used to like him and still do.The look that I gave him must be of admiration and respect,it can't be a look full of love, atleast not yet.Not when I don't even know the present him properly. People change after school and college and I didn't even know him closely even in school let alone now.

As if sensing the magic transpiring between us,he cleared his throat and brought me out my reviere.I blinked my eyes and sheepishly grinned at him and thanked him for completing my silly demands. I went to change from the bridal attire with a big smile on my face. Afterall, I just had a moment with my crush oh no my husband!

This is it for this chapter!
Do let me know if you like the chapter.
Take care

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