Chapter 1

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[ Edited - 9/2/23 ]

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You and Sonic were once again kicking Eggman's butts along with his badnicks. You two were astonishing pair. Well, you can't beat Sonic and Tails though. Though you two just seems to get each other. You both like to run around, goofballs and of course beat the hell out of Eggman.

But one morning, while fighting Eggman, something was off.

"Sonic!" You shouted. "Huh?" Sonic turns back to see a huge purple caterpillar jumping toward him. You quickly smashed it by the head and stood behind Sonic in your fighting position. "Heh, Thanks for that Y/n" he scoffs. "Welcome" You simply replied.

Just then, you heard a burst of maniacal laughter coming from near the mountain. You both looked up and saw Eggman standing on the edge. It was Eggman!"I got him!" Sonic said as he run towards him. "You deal with the badnicks alright?" He turns his head to look at you. He finger-pointed and winked at you. You nodded and took down the badnicks with the others.

You saw Tails flying by, so you decided to hop on.  You punched an in coming enemy before using your ( jumping boots name ) that was made by Tails to jump on his plane. You landed on his plane and saw the cunning fox looking confused and worried. "What's up Tails? Is something wrong?" You asked. Tails started to explain the suspiciousness about Eggman's position. "You're right! It looks like..."

"He is not even in there!" You both shouted.

"Gotta warn Sonic!" Tails beamed. "Gotcha" you jumped off his plane and landed perfectly on the ground. "Sonic! It's a trap!!" You heard Tails shouting from above. He got chased by those flying bad nicks so he had to fly away from the area. "Woah! A trap?" Sonic questions as he dodges a punch from Eggman.

"Yes, Sonic! Eggman is not in th-" You were cut off by one of Robotnik's machines hitting you down. "Y/n!" Sonic calls out for you. Eggman started laughing maniacally. Sonic growls, "You don't wanna test me, Egghead!" Sonic warns. "Oh but I do, Sonic." Eggman chuckled. Sonic was furious, he got angry and rolled into a ball and crashes down off the mountain.

You saw Sonic taking down Eggman with a final blow. It was like an earthquake! The whole ground was shaking. You couldn't get up, your head was hit badly. Your vision was unclear but all you could see was Sonic on top of Eggman's machine suit.

You passed out :p

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Soon you woke up, inside your bedroom. You saw there was a bowl of water with a napkin on the side. You tried to get up but your head was spinning and pushing you down. "Urgh.." You grunt as you held your head. You heard a familiar voice. "Hey, take it easy!" It was Sonic! He was sitting next to you. "What happened?" You ask, holding your head to keep your balance.

"Well uh, I beat down Eggman duh!" He chuckled. You sigh at his behavior. There was a quick moment of silence. "Say, Don't you find it weird?" You asked, swinging your legs. "Find what weird?" Sonic looked at you. "That Eggman wasn't inside the machine?" You raise an eyebrow. How can he forget that!?

"Nahh All I know is just that Eggman is a coward that's for sure!" He swept his nose. You just suck in your cheeks, not sure if he was actually a coward. "Maybe you should go check on Tails, he probably knows what's going on" You suggested. "Aw, do I have to? I wanna spend time looking after you" He sighed. You slightly blushed, and playfully punched his shoulder.

You look around to think of something. An idea pops up. You look at Sonic, "Hey, movie night?" You smiled at him. His eyes widen, his eyes quickly lidded. He smirked, "Movie night." With so, Sonic ran out of your room and ran straight to Tails workshop.

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While he was in front of his door, he had to enter a password in order for the door to open. Sonic rubbed his hands together and entered the pass. "1992" he mumbles. The big door slowly opened, revealing Tail's room and the owner itself working.

"Hey, Tails!" Sonic greeted him. "Sonic! Oh, how glad am I to see you here! I" Tails bounces off his chair and walked to Sonic. "I need to talk to you about the incident this morning." He grabbed Sonic's hand and pulled him to his crafting table.

While Tails was explaining everything to Sonic, Back at your place, you were struggling to walk to the kitchen. Your head feels heavy at the same time very lightheaded. You opened a cabinet and grab some pills. "Maybe these could help" You read in the description. You took a glass of warm water and swallowed the pills.

You felt better actually. The headache was fading away. You made your way back to your bedroom and lay down. You were about to fall asleep when you heard a knock on your door. You jumped at the sudden sound. You got off your bed and jogged your way to the front door.

You opened the door and saw...

"Shadow?!" You yelled out.

He just looked at you. He looked furious, which is normal. It would be unusual to see Shadow walking around smiling that's for sure. You leaned against the door frame as Shadow walked in.

"So, what brings you to my palace?" You joked. You always find Shadow very interesting and full of mysteries. You would want to be friends with him but it might take a while. He came to your house! That's a point.

He scoffed. "Palace? It looks like a dungeon to me."

You held your jaw from dropping. You were slightly offended but at the same time, challenged. He walked closer to you and looked around your house. Shadow finally spoke, looking at you over his shoulder. "I've come here to ask you about the earthquake that Sonic performed." Then turns his whole body posture to you. Looking at you directly into your pupils.

You felt a shiver run up your spine. You try not to break eye contact and spoke up. "Well uh, I passed out right before the earthquake happened so lo siento, I can't help you, amigo." You playfully smiled, shrugged, and walked away from him. "Don't act like a fool." His voice tenses up. You flinched and stop walking. 'Chaos, he's mad-' You thought to yourself.

You sweated, "Seriously! I was dead-ass on the floor back when that happened. But all I know is that Eggman is up to something." You scratched at the back of your neck.

"You wasted my time. I need a talk with the devil himself." He groans while he rolls his eyes and skated his way out. You sighed to yourself and a smile grew on your face. 'I love this guy.'

Not long after, you heard your ringtone across the room. You ran to the room and picked up the cellphone. It was Rouge! You cleared your throat before answering, "Sup mama?" Rouge on the other hand was confused asf but quickly shook it off. "Y/n! we need you here quick!" The white bad shouts. 'Oh damn, she did NOT like that' You nervously thought. You could hear other voices in the background. You cleared your throat and solemn, "On it."

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With that, you ended the call and (flew/ran/skated) your way out of your house. While (flying/running/skating ), you noticed the damage Sonic did to Eggman's machine alongside the mountain nearby. It cracked from the bottom until the top. "Damn.." Your voice weakens. You saw your friends on top of a loopy loop thingy and jumped to them. They looked worried.

"I came here as fast as I could, what happened?" You asked. "Y/n, you here!" Amy brightly beamed. "It seems that Egghead is working on something up there" Knuckles pointed at the cracked mountain. You look up to see to the mountain and saw a huge fog surrounding the tip of the mountain. "And we are going to find out why" Rouge rolls her hand into a fist.

Sonic sarcastically yawns, "You guys do that, I've got something to do." He switched his legs into a red infinite looking wheel and zoomed away. "Sonic wait!" Tails called out but it already looks like he has gone far. "Really?" You place your hand over Knuckles's shoulder. "When will he ever listen?" Amy facepalmed. "C'mon, guys! We know Sonic, he will always be there when we need him! He'll catch up at some point!" Tails smiled. Such an angel.

( 1441 words )

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"I love you in every multiverse" Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Where stories live. Discover now