Chapter 5

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You woke up. You started remembering. Blue Hedgehog. Hamster ball. Mysterious glow. Explosion. Silent.

You see that everyone was unconscious. It was hard for you to see in the dark so you turned on your night vision. It seems like the power was cut down. You check the system and turned back on the power. 

You walked back to where everyone was laying down and your eyes caught Sonic. You look at the weak, worn-out blue hedgehog. You feel a connection to him. You open the transparent mirror and stare at him. 

The name 'Sonic' slowly begins to sound more familiar to you. He was breaking the brainwashing the Councils set you on! But not yet, You still find Sonic as an intruder and an enemy to you. Not really though.

You picked him up bride style into a patient room. You gently placed him down on the bed. You slip your hands away from his unconscious figure. You then walk out of the room, leaving the door slightly open. 

You made your way back and saw the Councils including the robots gaining their consciousness back. You stood in front of the Councils and help them up. 

"Are you alright, Doctor?" You asked, lifting Mr. Dr. Eggman and placing him back on his chair. "I-I'm fine Y/n, just a little back cramp." He pushes you away and rubs his back. You nodded and did the same for the others. 

Rose, on the other hand, was just staring at you doing all the jobs. She did have the urge to push you away and helped the Councils by herself but she didn't. She knew if she did, the Councils won't be so pleased with her behavior. 

Nine was still unconscious. You picked him up and laid him right next to Sonic in the patient room. You place him down and your eyes dart to the moving figure next to him. It looks like Sonic was having a seiz- bad dream. You ignored him and walked back out.

When they all were feeling better, Dr. Deep begins to notice that Sonic was no longer in space. "Where did the blue creature go?" He asked looking around. The other Council begins to notice as well. "Yeah, where is he?"

"I believe you are talking about Sonic, Doctor?" You corrected him. "I don't care what it's name is!" He yelled. "He, Doctor.' You corrected his pronouns again. Eggman just sighs loudly. "Just, tell me where he is." He groans. 

You were about to say it until Rose interrupted you. "I-" "The blue hedgehog is currently 'resting' in the patient room." Rose stole your sentence. You glared at her and rolled your eyes. "Resting?" Eggman asks. "Yes, it seems the hedgehog's current situation is.. Unstable." Rose clarifies.

"Who in the city!? Gave the permission for him to rest?!" He shouted. "But Doctor, Let me remind you about a piece of information I picked up, Sonic claims the same amount of power that we have to ONLY power the city. So, my suggestion. We should let him rest, lead him into a trap and steal his powers! And rule not just one city, but TWO." You smirked at the end.

You can't believe you were actually lying to the Councils. Ever since Sonic appears, you've been acting strange. You're slowly breaking over the brainwash they caused. 

The Councils would be foolish to believe you. If they were actually smart, they should have taken his powers by now since Sonic wouldn't be able to fight back the power absorber. But they are the opposite. They all find your suggestion very clever and agreed. 

Rusty Rose knew it was a terrible plan but when she tries to explain it to the Councils, they just shoves her away. You quietly laugh to yourself. 

'How naive.' You thought to yourself as you made your way back to the patient room where Sonic was resting. Which you 'thought' he would be.

When you push the metal door open, you see him trying to escape. Your eyes widen, and you ran up to him and grabbed him by the wrist. "Where do you think you're going?" You grip his wrist tighter. Sonic just sweats and stops what he's doing.

"Says you! What's up with the 'stEAlInG MY PoWER' thing?" He pouts. You looked at him in disbelief. He actually thought you'd do that? 

You shook your head. "No, it was a lie. Now that we are alone, tell me about everything." You stare at him with a stony face. Sonic begins to feel some sort of mixed feelings of nervous and bashfulness, he didn't know you would be taking this so seriously. You let go of his hand. Sonic pulls his hand away and rubs his wrist.

Sonic likes you. I mean, this kind of you. Serious, formal, and very attractive. He begins to study your looks and face. You were wearing a (jacket/suit) a belt above your waist and (long/short) pants none decorated. Shoes, well. You were wearing your ( jumping boot name ) with could also turn into normal running shoes. 

The color of your clothing didn't really fit the original you, it was more similar to the Verse your in. Typical Sonic, he grabs your wrist when you are about to turn away and pulls you close, making your face an inch away from his. He gave you the lightskin stare. You gave him a dry look and pushed him away. 

"Your little tragic flirt is.. disappointing. I'm ashamed." You walked away.

You dragged two sliver chairs and placed one behind Sonic for him to sit down on. You sat on the other one. You cross your legs and got ready for his explanation. Both of you stare at each other. You needed answers. "Make it quick. The Councils will soon begin to realize my plan." You whispered. 

Sonic became nervous. He looks around before talking. "So, uh.. Where do I start?" 

( 990 words ) 

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"I love you in every multiverse" Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Where stories live. Discover now