Chapter 13

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( Timeskip )

Sonic finally founded out who was causing the high-pitched scream and it's owner. Thorn Rose. Now it makes sense. Because of her personality and her 'unhealthy obsession' for thorns and not to mention Roses do have thorns!

Now, Sonic is introducing himself to Thorn and asking her about the shard. "Look, if you help me find the shard, I promise i'll leave you and your jungle alone." Sonic places one of his hand on his chest while the other raised up. Showing that he swears not to bother Thorn after he finds the shard.

Thorn didn't trusted him at first, but after she saw his good deeds when he saved a little bird stuck in a mud, she agreed to bring Sonic to the 'shard'.

The atmosphere between Sonic and Thorn was quiet. A little too quiet. He darts his eyes around the place, many thorn vines and thin ones on bushes.

"So, Amy- I- I mean! Thorn, where is the shard? We have been walking for a while now" Sonic asks, quickly leaping over the thorny vines on the ground.

The pink hedgehog doesn't reply. She just continued making her way to who knows where. Sonic slouches as a reply and a small groan slip out his mouth.

He lift his body back and carefully leaping over the thorns again. "I- I like the new look!" Sonic compliments.

Then a thought pass hm.

'WAIT, This is her look. Because of this verse!'

Thorn stops and turns around. "This IS how I look" She growled before walking back. Sonic awkwardly giggles and regrets his compliment. 'Damn I messed up' He curses himself.

Sonic then remembers his friends at the top of the surface. Why were they kicked from the jungle again? He then picks up his pace to walk beside Thorn and ask about her opinion about the others.

"Hey, about.. Those guys up there, why did you kicked them out from.. Here again?" Sonic ask, slightly facing Thorn. Thorn looks at him and hissed. "Why do you keep on asking? Keep your mouth shut or you'll end up like them too!" She warns and swiftly swung her hammer in front of Sonic. Right under his chin.

Sonic yelps :"WOAH! HEY! I'm just asking!" Sonic quickly raise his hands to the air and his ears straighten up. Thorn growls at him then place her hammer down to the ground. Sonic sighs in relief and place his palm on his chest. They both continued walking. Sonic didn't let this slide.

"Why don't you guys just.. Talk it out?" The blue hedgehog suggest. Thorn once again stops but this time she just looks in front. Sonic thought he finally gave a solution to their problem.

"After what those scavengers did? Over my dead body" Thorn tenses.

Sonic got puzzled. Scavengers? What did they steal? There's aren't many valuables to steal! Just trees- and stuff. I mean, Prim does seem like a person to like anything shiny- But that's not the point! The last time he checked, they didn't have any gold or valuables on them. Not to mention their house were just a hanging leaf. Totally not talking about Gnarly.

"But, what did they steal?" Sonic questions, swinging his hand in front. Thorn clinches on her hammer but eventually loosens her grip on it.

"Back then.. We all used life in harmony" She starts.

"We all were happy and equally sharing the food the jungle had given us. Until, they got greedy. They start stealing all the food the jungle prepared. They even start cutting down trees! And just leaving it like that. How could someone be so cruel to the nature?! Not even a tiger would"

"So that, I got... Furious. One day, while they were plucking out fruits from a tree, I start to yell at them and drive them away. I warned them, not to come back again. But yet still, they come back to steal more" She ends with a loud sigh.

Sonic's ear flops. So that what happened. That was way different from what Prim and you told him.

( Flashbacks )

Prim: While we were collecting food for our needs, the monster came and scare us away, right Y/n? Why would she do that?

You: Ehh, maybe. We were taking too many food and Thorn got angry at us. I mean, who wouldn't?

Thorn: One day, while they were plucking out fruits from a tree, I start to yell at them and drive them away.

( End of Flashbacks )

Sonic realizes the main point. "Oh, I see" He exhales. Just then his eyes squinted as he felt a sort of beam flash at him. He blinks and sees a big palm tree standing in front of him.

"Woahh.." He stares in awe.

"Behold, the great green!" Thorn raises her hand out, pointing at the giant palm tree. "A palm tree? It's.." A memory unlocked. He wasn't sure where he saw the palm tree before but it did had something to do with this whole situation thing.

"Magnificent? Yes." Thorn proudly exclaims. "Now do your thing, and get out of my jungle!" She sulked and swings her hammer to Sonic. The blue hedgehog flinches and quickly nodded.

Sonic speeds up and stood closer to the palm tree. He looks around, no sign of any crystal. He looks down, maybe its buried down? He runs around the palm tree, seeing if he could get any sign of it by his shoes. It was glowing as Sonic stops right in front of the tree.

Sonic smiles. "If my kicks are right, the shard is buried down here" He points down at the ground. Without wasting anymore time, he actives(?) the claws out of his gloves and started digging under.

Thorn scooted a little closer to the hole that Sonic dug in. "Found it!" Sonic shouts. He quickly spins out from the hole and ran back close to the path where they went through. "But I can't touch it-" He plucked out a thick wide leaf and rushed back. "Or yknow, I'll... Poof!" Sonic stated before jumping back inside the hole. 'Poof?' Thorn thought.

Sonic dug another hole his way out. He places the wrapped crystal on the ground and quickly lift himself back up from the hole. Thorn's eyes widen as she saw the glowing, shiny crystal in front of her. She stares at the crystal.

"It's gorgeous!" She beams. Sonic sees the excited expression on Thorn's face. He smiles and replied, "It's pretty but trust me, this thing is..-"

"Mine!" Thorn roared before swigging Sonic with her hammer. Sending him back and causing him to hit a tree. Sonic groans as he falls to the ground. He lost grip off the crystal and caused it to fall on the ground near Thorn.

Sonic lifts his head and holds it. "I've should have seen that coming.." He sighed. He looks back up and sees the crystal in Thorn's hand. It surprised Sonic when Thorn touches the crystal and she doesn't get sucked in.

Whole he was too busy trying to understand why, Thorn attached the crystal to her hammer. Vines was wrapped around the crystal and the hammer glowed. Sonic quickly got on his feet and rushed to her.

"H-hey! What are you doing?! I needed that!" He screamed in a worried tone. Thorn clinches onto her hammer. "As if I'd give the heart to the jungle to a stranger." She hissed. "Your just like the other scavengers!" She added before raising her hammer.

"Uh oh, Not good!" Sonic yelps.

( 1272 words )

( ngl i hate this side of thorn sm- eat sh- /j )

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