Chapter 8

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Rose tried to grab Sonic but he dodges by walking up the walls. She started shooting small lasers at him. Sonic ran up the ceiling, dodging the lasers before landing back on the ground.

They fought for a minute but Sonic was caught off guard by Rusty Rose punching him in the stomach. He felt a sharp pain and grabbed his stomach.

Rose took the opportunity to take advantage. She begins to push Sonic against the wall. She begins to grab his neck, choking him.

Sonic groans as he tries to struggle his way out of Rose's grip. Rusty Rose raises up her other hand and forms it into a fist. She focus on Sonic's face and spoke: "Terminated". She pulled it back before throwing it at Sonic. Sonic shuts his eyes, preparing for the impact.

Right before the fist hits Sonic's face, Nine managed to get ahold of her. Rose's arm begins to glitch and started to whir around. Sonic slowly opens his eyes when he felt nothing hit him.

Rusty Rose begins to gitch and twitch. Soon enough, Nine typed something on the keypad, and manage to control her whole body. A voice, mostly like a woman's voice spoke: "Now paired." Nine smirks at his successful hacking work. He then pulls out his gizmo and pointed at Rusty.

Rusty Rose's eye turned bright yellow instead of a bloody red color. She fixes her head position and spoke up: "New Admin privileges, Now paired." A double-ting sound popped in the end. You find it funny now Rose spokes her code out loud.

Meanwhile, the Councils were confused. "What does 'paired' means?" Dr. Eggman asks while scratching his head under his wig. "What have they done to Rusty?! To the Security room!" Dr. Done it shouted.

Sonic's eyes widen. "Amy.. Are you... You?" He asks, pointing at her. You got up and fastly walk near Nine. He.. got control of Rose? That's impressive, you had to admit. You underestimated him.

Nine answered instead. "Nope, she's still a destructive killing machine but your lucky that I'm in charge now." He explains, pointing at himself on the chest with his thumb. He raises his gizmo and shouted "Attack!". He points his gizmo at the incoming robots causing Rose to drop Sonic and follow Nine's order.

Rusty Rose lets Sonic go causing him to fall flat on his butt on the floor. She begins to run towards the robots who were shooting. She stood on her hands and her legs swirl around, knocking over the robots.

She then scans the incoming robots raising above. Before they could do so, Rusty jumps on the platform and pushes them back down causing a big explosion. Sonic's jaw drops as he saw Rose raising coming back up with flames behind her. You rolled your eyes in envy. Meanwhile, Sonic was trying to catch his breath but was disturbed by the laser. As a surprise, he wobbles but manages to duck over the laser.

Nine notices the door. More incoming robots. He looks at Rose and orders her to close the door by pointing his gizmo at the door. Rusty nodded, her legs grew taller/higher, and ran towards the door. Before she arrives, the laser came back and destroyed a few robots.

She then forces the door to close causing a loud rumble. Everyone else ran near the door while Rose notices the keypad near the door, she then smashes into it, pulling out a few wires and causing the door to stay shut. She then lets go of the door and slowly lowers down back to her normal height.

"Uhh, She's with us now?" Knucks raises his hand, pointing at Rusty. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Duh" Nine sassed, rolling his eyes at Knucks. Then Rose walked back, standing in front of you. You gave her a quick smile but you quickly drop it.

Sonic ran closer to all of you and shouted. "Oh yeah! We did it!" He jumps, punching his fist in the air. "Bring it in fam!" He then runs up and pulls all of you into a tight hug. Everyone flinched at his sudden action.

Nine and Rebel were grunting, trying to escape from his embrace. Knucks pushes his face and complains. "Get off me, you!" He walks away. Rose just casually walks off. Meanwhile, you wished it would have lasted longer. You haven't felt any 'physical' touch ever since.. Well. Yknow. Lmfao

Sonic let out a confused 'Huh' as he saw everyone trying to break free from his celebration hug. You just walk beside him and gathered around in a circle.

"So? Care for an explanation?" Rebel questions, folding her arms. Sonic lifts his head up a little to Rebel, trying to understand her question. Quickly he understood. "Oh, the whole.. 'Eggman messed up the universe' thing yeah." He recalls.

"Okay." He gets his position ready to explain. Before anything, the laser came up again but everyone just simply duck under it. As the laser went by, everyone stood straight and Sonic begins to speak.

"Introductions!" He beams, raising his index finger in the air. "Hello, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, but you all call me Sonic. The high-speed hedgehog hero that always comes swooping up to save the day!" He does his little hand explanation and smiles at his proud self-introduction.

He then quickly points at Nine. "And this cunning little fox is also known as my bff, Tails!" He smiles, forgetting about Nine's name once again. Nine groans and swipes his hand in front of Sonic. "Nine! It's Nine! The emphasis is on the Nine!" He yells. Sonic flinches at his action and backs a little away from him. Sonic just ignores and begins to zoom into Rebel and Knucks.

"And these two thuggish party crashes were always there to save my butt, Rouge!" He wraps his arms around their shoulder but was pushed away by Rebel. "It's Rebel."

"And Knuckles!" Sonic smiles. "It's Knucks." Knucks snarl and push Sonic's hand off. He then crosses his arms. It's a little weird how the names that Sonic mention is almost familiar to their own names. "And can someone please turn off the laser?" Knucks pointed at the laser before ducking under it again.

Sonic ducks and runs up to Rose. "And this is Amy, she-" Sonic was cut off by Rose doing her own introduction. "I am a killing machine, created by the Chaos Council to enforce their autocratic rules." Rose turns her body position and adjusts her wrist. Sonic puts one of his arms on his waist and smiles.

"Well, Amy is the sweetest friend you could ever ask for" Sonic lets out a satisfied sigh while Knucks and Rebel looked at each other in disbelief before ducking again. Really? Rusty Rose, the sweetest? "More like deadliest." Nine scoffed.

"And you all would probably already know, Y/n!" Sonic runs up to you and opens his arms to show them. Everyone just stood in silence. You rolled your eyes and just shrug it off. "They, well.. are everything you could ever ask for" Sonic said in a gentle tone and ended with a soft smile.

But his expression changes into a sadder one. "But no one remembers that.." His ears flopped down as he grips his fist. "But that's why we are going to fix it!" He quickly smiles and puts his hand on his waist. "Because we got the whole band back together!" He beams.

Suddenly a loud thud was heard near the door. It was the robots! They came back, and it sounds like there's a lot more than just a couple of them.

(1273 words )


"I love you in every multiverse" Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu