Chapter 2

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-your eleventh birthday-

I walked down the stairs, my letter should come today. Dad was already up and made breakfast. I sat down and he gave me my present. It was a guitar case. When I saw what it was, I hugged him tightly.
„Thank you so much. Now I can take my guitar to Hogwarts if my letter comes today," I said.
„That's what I thought and look, there is the owl," He said smiling and he pointed at the window.
„It's here." I opened the window and let the owl in. I took the letter and gave the owl a piece of my bread. Happy she flew away. I looked at the letter, it was from Hogwarts. Then I opened it and read it.
„I'm going to Hogwarts," I said happily after reading it.
„I knew it, that's why I planned a trip to the Diagon Alley for today."
„Yay! When are we going?" I asked.
„I'd say after breakfast," He said.
„Good idea, any tips for Hogwarts?"
„Uh, yeah. You could try to find the marauders' map."
„Is that the map of Hogwarts you, Sirius, James and Peter created?"
„It is. If you want to open it you tap it with your wand and say: 'I solemnly swear that I am up for no good' and if you want to close it you tap it with your wand again and say: 'mischief managed'. But be careful, Filch took it from us and I'm not sure if you can get it back."
„Seriously?" I transformed into Filch.
„Okay, you have a good chance. Just don't get in trouble that often, okay?"
„Promise. Can we go now?"
„We can." He smiled and we went to Diagon Alley.
„Wow, where do we go first?" I asked when we arrived.
„I'd say Ollivanders for your wand."
„Yeah, good idea." We went to Ollivanders and he came right to us.
„Mr Lupin and your daughter I assume." He said.
„That's right, this is Y/n," Dad answered.
„Let me see, try this one." He gave me a wand. „Dragon heartstrings, cypress, 11' long."
I swung it and it felt pretty good. Ollivander nodded and dad paid for the wand. After that, we bought the other things I needed and we met the Weasleys.
„Remus, Y/n. Nice to see you here," Molly said.
„Molly, Arthur and the kids. Nice to see you too," Dad answered.
„Hi Y/n," Charlie said.
„Hi Charlie, long time no see."
„Yeah, sadly. It's not going to get better, I'm gonna move to Romania after the seventh grade.." He told me.
„What?! Why?"
„I'm going to study dragons there. No worries, you can visit me and I'll write to you as often as possible. I promise," He said softly smiling.
„Fine...don't you dare forget about me."
„How could I forget you?! Also, we still have two years"
„You two are so cute." Ginny said smiling.
„Oh, Ginny. You misunderstood something, Y/n is like a sister to me. We don't date," He explained to her.
„Why?" She asked.
„Because I'm too old for her and we are, like I said, like siblings," He tried to explain.
„Still you're cute together." She said and the other four nodded. Charlie and I just laughed. We loved each other but like siblings or best friends. We're not in love with each other. Then the Weasleys had to shop and dad and I went home.
„When does Hogwarts start?" I asked him at home.
„September first, you have some time till then."
„Okay, I'll go upstairs and play some guitar."
„Have fun."
Upstairs I took out my guitar and started playing. First I played a few songs from famous wizards and muggles and then I played some of my own. After some time, Dad came into my room. I stopped playing and looked at him.
„What is it?" I asked.
„Dinner is ready."
„Coming." I put my guitar away and went downstairs with him.
„You sounded beautiful."
„Thanks, dad."
We ate and then talked a little. He told me about his time at Hogwarts and that Severus is a teacher now. Also, he told me that they didn't really like each other.
„I hope he's fair. What subject does he teach?" I asked.
„Hopefully. He is teaching potions."
„Damn it, I really need to be good in that subject..."
„Severus likes smart students, he'll like you."
„Thanks, Dad, I'll study hard."
„I know that you'll make it."
„You're the best."

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