Chapter 5

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„What is it?" I asked.
„I just realised that Harry's first year starts after the summer break. Then he'll come to Hogwarts."
„Oh my god, right. I'm excited to see him again after all these years. I wonder if he looks like Lily and James."
„Yeah, that's gonna be an interesting year."
„He's in the same year as Ron. Maybe they'll come in the same house."
„That's possible. Lily and James were both Gryffindor and every Weasley was in Gryffindor."
The break ended and I drove back to Hogwarts. I sat down on the train and then realised that Charlie wouldn't come. Suddenly the door opened and a boy looked at me.
„Can I sit with you?" He asked.
„Uh, yeah."
„Thanks, I'm Cedric by the way."
„I'm Y/n."
„Nice to meet you."
I smiled and then continued reading my book. In the great hall, I couldn't really sit still. Finally, the first years came into the hall and I looked for Harry and Ron. I spotted Ron walking next to a boy with black hair. That could be Harry and I was completely sure when his name was called. He was a Gryffindor, just like Lily and James.
The next day I ate breakfast at the Gryffindor table with the twins. Then I walked to class and in the evening I ate again with the twins. Then I finally saw Harry and Ron coming in our direction. Ron wanted to introduce Harry to me.
„Hey Y/n, this is Harry," He said.
„I know Ron. How are you, Harry?" I answered smiling.
„Uh, fine. Do I know you?" Harry asked confused.
„Kinda, you don't remember me. Your parents were my Godparents," I explained.
„Really?" His eyes got big and I nodded.
„You look like your father, except for your eyes. These are definitely Lily's," I said and he smiled.
„Your Godparents are the parents of Harry Potter?" The twins asked confused.
„Yeah, you met them on my second birthday."
„Wait what?!" Now they were completely confused.
„My father and James were best friends, so they were at my birthday," I explained.
„Who is your father?" Harry asked interested.
„Remus Lupin," I said.
„Never heard of," He said.
„What? Where did you live in the last few years?" I asked confused.
„I lived with my uncle and my aunt. They told me my parents died in a car crash."
„What?! Lily and James were betrayed and murdered. Let me guess. You lived with Lily's muggle sister?"
„Yeah," He answered.
„That's kinda creepy, that you know his parents and family better than him," Ron said.
„Yeah, sorry. Lily and James meant a lot to me too, so I really looked forward to meeting you again," I said to Harry.
„No worries."
„Excuse me." I then said, because all the memories came back. I walked out of the great hall and the others were probably confused. I walked to the lake and sat under the tree, then tears ran down my cheeks. Harry didn't know anything, not Sirius, not Peter, not dad, or even much about his parents. Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked up.
„You okay?" Cedric, the boy from the train, asked.
„Yeah, I'm fine," I said and faked a smile.
„Okay...hey, did you dye your hair?" He asked and I looked at my hair. It was light blue, the emotions came through.
„Uh, yeah...wanted to try something new."
„Okay, looks good by the way."
„Thanks," Then he walked away and I got my guitar out of the bag I always carried with me. I played a few chords and wrote down what I was feeling. After some time, I sunk again into my music, and someone tapped my shoulder again. I winced and looked up, it were Fred and George.
„Merlin, you scared me..." I said.
„Sorry, we were worried. How are you feeling?" George asked.
„Don't try lying to us," Fred said and I started talking. I told them a lot, but not everything. After I ended they looked at me in confusion.
„You're telling us the mass murderer Sirius Black was one of your closest friends?" George summed up and Fred just sat there.
„Yeah, look." I took my necklace out and opened it. They were stunned when they saw the picture of Sirius and me. „Also I don't think he is a murderer, it doesn't fit him."
„After that picture, I'm not that sure either, he seems so nice," Fred said.
„Yeah, he was one of the most important people in my life," I told them.
„We didn't know that, if you want we'll tell nobody," George said calmly.
„That would be nice," I said smiling.
„No problem. Do you want to be alone?" Fred asked and I nodded. They left and I was very thankful for that. I needed time alone with my music and emotions. I wrote a song about my feelings at this moment and it sounded quite okay. For hours I sat there and played. I didn't care about the people around me, but I saw a small crowd staring at me when I opened my eyes after a song. I got angry, my music was something private.
„What are you looking at?" I asked and my hair got red. They all winced and one by one left. A few minutes later the twins came.
„Wow, why were there so many down here?" Fred asked laughing but stopped when he saw my hair and look.
„I played and they watched me," I said still angry.
„Oh, luckily they're gone now..." George started.
„See it as a compliment. I'd say everyone liked it a lot," Fred ended.
„Thanks, guys," I said and slowly my hair got normal again. It felt good with them, but I missed Charlie. He was always there for me, so I decided to write to him the next day. Then I walked together with the twins back to the castle. In the castle, we met Harry and Ron.
„Hey Y/n, where were you? We heard that you freaked out at the lake," Ron asked.
„They just did something that freaked me out and yeah," I said.
„Did your hair really turn red?" Harry asked.
„Yeah, it did and if you're asking why. Go to the library and search for metamorphmagus," I said.
„Okay." Then they walked away and the twins grinned at me.
„What?" I asked.
„You just want Harry to learn." They said.
„Of course, I know how bad James in school was. Hopefully, Harry is more like Lily," I said laughing.
The next day, I actually saw Harry at the library and decided to sit with him.
„Hey Harry, found something interesting?" I said while sitting down.
„Yeah, about metamorphmagus," He said.
„The plural is metamorphmagi," I said smiling. Then I saw a Gryffindor girl with a lot of books. „Do you know her?" I asked Harry.
„That's Hermione, she's annoying and knows everything," He said.
„Harry, that's not how you talk about someone before actually getting to know him or her," I said.
„Sorry. See you." Then he stood up and walked out. Hermione seemed like she was looking for a place to sit and saw the free seat next to me. She came to me.
„Is it okay, if I sit here?" She asked politely.
„Of course, sit down."
„Thanks. I'm Hermione Granger by the way."
„I'm Y/n Lupin, nice to meet you."
Then we both read and after some time I left to play some music.
„I'm gonna go, see you," I said and stood up.
„Bye," She said.
I walked out and into the secret room. There I played some guitar and later some keyboard. It felt good and after that, I wrote a letter to Charlie.
A few days later I ate breakfast and the mail came. An owl brought me a letter, it was from Charlie. I opened it and read it.

Hello Y/n,
nice to hear from you. In Romania, it's nice and the dragons here are stunning. Maybe you can visit me sometime. I hope you're well.
See you soon.
P.s. I hope my brothers aren't too annoying ;)

I was happy, that he answered this fast.
„Is that letter from our brother?" George asked.
„Can we read it?" Fred asked.
„It's private."
„Ohhh." They made and I gave them a death stare. Then I went to class and after that, I gave tutoring lessons for some second graders. Finally, I had dinner and then I heard giggling from girls and looked up. Cedric walked in and it seemed like every girl tried to impress him. I was just eating my dinner when someone sat down beside me.
„Hey, can I sit here?" Cedric asked and I nodded.
„Watch out, your Fan club is getting jealous," I laughed slightly.
„Oh, leave me alone with them, it's exhausting to always have someone around you and no privacy."
„I know and I feel a little sorry for you."
„Just a little?"
„Yeah, you have at least someone who actually likes you."
„Don't you?"
„Just a few. I'm not good with friendships..." I said and thought about Sirius.
„Oh, sorry to hear that...Your hair changes colours," He then said and I looked at him.
„In case you didn't notice, I'm a metamorphmagus," I said and changed my hair and eye colour.
„Wow, that's...just wow." He said stunned.
We talked a little and finished eating. I stood up and went to the secret room. There I played the guitar and later some keyboards and sang.
Don't get too close, it's dark inside. It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide." I sang my song 'Demons' and at this moment I just felt the music running through my veins. Then I knew it, I knew that I didn't want to do anything else than play music. I wanted that to be my job. I wanted to play concerts and fill halls. Just share my music with the world. On that day I started playing music even more often and wrote my songs every night. Sometimes the songs were really bad, but not all of them. I practised the good ones and it felt really good. Of course, I still learned for school and was still the best, but the music was also important.
So my third year went by and it was a great year. I found a new friend and study partner in Hermione and Harry was just like James. I missed Charlie often, but maybe I'll see him sometime. Oh, and I found a really good friend in Cedric.

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