sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 6

44 3 0

Lizzie lay on the sofa in Mike's basement that night, flipping through drawings that Will had made through the years. She still couldn't believe he was gone.

Mike was leaning over her shoulder, looking at her look through the pictures. El was playing with the supercom static again.

"Can you please stop that?" Mike asked after some feedback was heard from the walkie talkie.

Lizzie was too upset about Will to argue.

El, however, didn't stop, continuing to turn dials to try and get a signal. This caused Mike to snap out angrily. "Are you deaf? Stop. It."

El looked up as Mike went on. "I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth and they definitely don't lie. You made me think Wil was okay. That he was out there but he wasn't, he wasn't. Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me, you understand? What you did, sucks. Lucas was right about you. All along."

Lizzie's blood suddenly boiled. "MIKE! Shut the fuck up! El was trying to help us and maybe she got it wrong but she made a mistake, okay, all she did was-"

"Lead us to our dead friend-!"

"But it was just a-"

"But you gotta let me know... should I stay or should I go..."

Mike stopped trying to defend himself. Lizzie stopped yelling at him. Both turned round, frozen.

"If I go their will be trouble..."

That was Will's voice.

"And if I stay there will be double..."

On the supercom.

"So you gotta let me know..."

His favourite song. That was his favourite song.

"Should I stay or should I go..."

In an instant, Mike and Lizzie ran over to El, who handed the radio to Mike, he instantly took it and hit the button.

"Will, are you there? It's Mike, do you copy? Over."

No reply. Just an electric sound.

"Will? Will, are you there? Over?" Mike tried again.



El looked up at them with hope as Mike but the supercom down. "Was that..."

Lizzie, too, asked in wonder. "Was it..."

El nodded.



"Lizzie? Lizzie why the hell are you not up?"

Mike had called five minutes ago. To Lizzie and Dustin. The message was simple. Pretend you're sick. Come round in thirty.

So, when Flora came barging into her bedroom, Lizzie breathed in. It would take a lot to fool her sister, but she could do it.

"Sorry Flo, I don't feel good," she said, coughing slightly to sell the act.

"What?" Flora asked. "So you're not going to school today?"

"No, but you can bike on your own, you practically do that every day anyway," Lizzie said, acting tried as well.

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