sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 2

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Nevertheless, Lizzie went with them to talk to Daniel and the oh-so-important Suzie. She sighed as the grass tickled her bare legs, climbing up the hill in front of everyone.

They had to get up high to even use Cerebro, so right now, they were climbing up with all the kit they needed to talk to the twins from Utah.

"Hey, Lizzie, you okay?" Dustin had caught up with Lizzie who was now at least ten metres in front of everyone else, jealousy fuelling her climb.

"Yeah, fine," Lizzie answered evasively.

"No, you're not," Dustin told her. "Lizzie, I've known you for too long to keep secrets. And plus, you're my girlfriend, so you can tell me, it's okay."

Lizzie bit her lip, then made up her mind. Not to tell him. "It's just so hot out here."

"I second that!" Max shouted from down the hill, having heard Lizzie's remark.

Dustin and Lizzie turned around to face the rest of the group and saw them all flagging, panting and sweaty.

"Yeah, aren't we high enough?" Lucas, too, complained.

"Cerebro works best at one hundred metres," Dustin shrugged as they continued walking.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones," Max said, clearly bored as well.

"Yeah, but Daniel and Suzie are Mormon," Dustin explained.

"Oh, shit, she doesn't have electricity?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"No, that's the Amish," Max corrected.

"So what are Mormons?" Lucas questioned.

"Super religious white people," Lizzie answered shortly.

"Yeah, they have electricity and cars and stuff, but..." Dustin paused. "Since I'm not Mormon, their parents wouldn't approve of us being friends."

Friends, Lizzie almost scoffed. Sounds a bit more intimate than that.

"It's all a bit... weird," Dustin concluded.

"Weird?" Max asked.

"Yeah, because they like me and want to be friends, but we can't really speak cause of our parents," Dustin shrugged.

"Hey, guys!" Mike shouted, and that was when everyone noticed that he and El were ages behind them.

"What'ya waiting for?" Lizzie asked.

"Well, this is fun and all, but..." Mike sighed, pointing to his watch.

"I have to go home," El said.

"But we're almost there!" Dustin cried.

"Sorry, man, curfew!" Mike shouted up, taking El's hand. "Come on, let's go!"

"Good luck!" El said to them, as she and Mike tore off down the hill.

Dustin checked his watch. "Curfew at four?!"

"They're lying!" Lucas complained.

"It's been like this all summer," Will complained. That was true; Mike and El had been claiming curfew at ridiculous times to get away from their friends.

"It's romantic," Max shrugged.

"It's gross," Will fought back.

"It's bullshit," even Dustin, who had only just got back, knew of Mike and El's antics. "Well... their loss right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie and Daniel await!"


"Well, here it is! We made it!" Dustin said, laying the bag with Cerebro in it down.

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