sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 8

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They had tried to sneak into the hospital, all eight of them, but the receptionist had caught them.

"Where d'you think you're going?"

Nancy stopped, mouthing shit, before turning round and facing her. "Oh, um, I was going to visit my grandma again. And, um... this is my family-"

The receptionist raised her eyebrows, more specifically at Lucas, who, obviously, was a different race to everyone else.

"Extended," the boy improvised.

"Uh- I don't care who they are, you know the rules, two at a time," the receptionist wasn't budging.

"Yeah, but-"


Lizzie rolled her eyes as Nancy sighed, turning to the group and saying in a low voice. "Right, me and Jonathan will go, and then, if you get the chance, sneak past, but if you don't, we'll tell you everything."

Lizzie nodded with the others, only slightly miffed at the fact she wasn't going.

She sighed as the others thinned out. She smiled as she saw Max and El read magazines intently, and it turned into a grin when she saw Mike and Lucas, over at the vending machine. Their M&M's didn't come out, so El used her powers to knock half the sweets out of the machine. Mike turned to see her meekly wiping her nose. But Lizzie's smile faded slightly when she heard Will from behind her, asking.

"What... happened with you and Dustin?" He asked shyly, looking over to her.

Lizzie sighed, looking down. Will instantly backtracked. "I- I didn't mean to upset you, I-"

"It's fine," Lizzie sighed, sitting herself down on one of the waiting area chairs and gesturing Will do the same. "I just, erm-"

And with that, she explained how she had been feigning sleep and had heard Dustin call himself Suzie's. And about how she had seen him at Scoops, and what had happened.

"Wow," Will said, after she had finished. "No, wow, I mean- I don't know why he would do that."

"Neither," Lizzie shook her head. "But I... I don't even know... I mean, without the whole Suzie thing I was ready to tell him I loved him but then there was the-"

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth as if that would take back what she had just said, but both her and Will knew it didn't.

But all Lizzie could see on her friend's face was a smile, but then that smiley face faltered, and on it, came a straight mouth and wide eyes. And as they both got up off their chairs, Lizzie knew why.

"The lights."

Then the worst thing happened. Will touched his neck (where the Mind Flayer bit was) and said. "He's here."

By now, Mike, El, Lucas and Max had all got up to join them as well, and they all looked scared. As well.


Receptionist forgotten, all six kids barreled towards the main hospital, needing to get there urgently.

When they ran through the halls and up the stairs, they saw some blood splattered on the floors and walls. Jonathan and Nancy better be alright...

Then they heard it.


The group all turned to each other.

"Run! That was Jonathan's voice- LET'S GO!"

Then they heard a monster roar.


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