sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛᴡᴏ ꕥ 10

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"Guys!" Max said five minutes later, as two cars came speeding round the corner, horns honking.

"Get out the way!" Lizzie shouted, as the cars sped towards them; they were standing on the road.

As the first car in the convoy rushed off, the second car, with a HAWKINS POLICE on the side of it, stopped and Hopper was revealed inside it; wearing a blue medical suit. "Let's go!"

All five didn't hesitate to jump in.

Hopper and the other car which (Lizzie worked out) contained Joyce, Will and Mike, went as fast as they could to the Byers'.

When they finally arrived, Lizzie jumped out the car to find Mike, who looked shaken, and Joyce. She had an unconscious Will in her arms.

"Mike!" Lizzie ran forward and surprised her friend with a hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry- I should've been there..."

"It's okay, Lizzie," Mike smiled. "I'm just glad you're all okay," he looked around at the Party beside the car, and Steve. "Even her," he gestured to Max.

The girl didn't have enough energy to argue.

They all went into the house.

The first thing Lizzie registered was that a whole load of bits of paper with blue lines on it were hung up around the room. She didn't know what they were, but she didn't ask questions. They would probably be told later.

The dazed kids and Steve sat down whilst Hopper phoned Hawkins Lab. Joyce lay Will on the sofa.

Lizzie rushed over to him as soon as she could. "I'm sorry," she whispered, almost crying. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you... that I left you... I'm so sorry..."

She moved away as Jonathan went to Will.

"Sam Owens! Dr Sam Owens!" Hopper said forcefully into the phone which he gripped tightly. The woman on the other end said something Lizzie didn't quite catch then he shouted. "I don't know how many people are in there! I don't know how many people are left alive!"

Another response. This time Lizzie heard it.

"Have you contacted the police?"

"I am the police, Chief Jim Hopper!" Hopper shouted into the phone, making Lizzie jump.

Hopper was phoning about the 'Demodogs' loose in the middle of the lab.

'Demodogs' was the name Dustin had started using a couple of minutes ago when Mike had asked about Dart. Lizzie thought it was a cool name as they were mini versions of Demogorgons. Demodogs.

"Okay, I will be here," Hopper was on the verge of losing it as he slammed the phone back into its holder after a couple more exchanges.

"They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin, who was stood up, asked sadly.

Hopper turned round. "We'll see."

"We'll see?" Mike repeated. "We can't just sit there whilst those things are loose!"

"We stay here, and we wait for help," Hopper said in a low voice, enunciating each syllable.

Lizzie shook her head, but was quickly distracted by Mike walking with his head down and going out the room. Lizzie followed him.

"Mike..." She said, as she walked in front of him, sitting the two of them down on the sofa in the opposite room. "What's wrong?"

Mike slowly looked up. "You know, Bob... Joyce's boyfriend?"

"Yeah..." Lizzie said.

Mike's bottom lip quivered. "He... erm... he tried to keep the Demodogs away... he was distracting them... and- and-"

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