sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 7

35 3 0

"During times like there, it is important that we come together as a community," the Head spoke gravely into the microphone as all the students at Hawkins Middle watched on. "We come-"

The door banged open as Lizzie, Dustin, Lucas, Mike and El burst into the room with Mr Clarke on their heels. All eyes turned to them.

"Abort," Dustin whispered to the Party and tried to leave, but Lizzie and Lucas stopped him. "Shit!" He whispered when they didn't let him go.

"We come together to heal..." the Head continued as the five awkward teens walked to the audience. "Because Will Byers' death was an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community.

"I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro. But before she comes up here I just want those of you who are having trouble dealing with this tragic loss..."

Lizzie zoned out as she looked around the hall. People were crying; everyone looked sad, and some were even shielding their faces as if it was embarrassing to show them.

"Fakers," Lizzie rolled her eyes. "I bet they didn't even know his name 'till today."

The sound of laughter made Lizzie turn to see Troy and James. "Who is interested in this?" Troy asked audibly. "This is so stupid.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah," he continued, pouting. " 'He was such a great student'... 'he's gonna leave a hole in our community'..." He fake cried.

"Mouthbreather," Lizzie heard El say. That was what they called them. Mike must've told her...

Troy continued to mock right up until the bell went and students were filing out of the hall. By then, Mike was fuming.

As a crowd of people congregated in the middle of the hall, he made a beeline for Troy. El, Lizzie, Dustin and Lucas followed him as he shouted. "Hey! Hey Troy!"

Troy and James turned round as Mike faced them, El standing slightly behind him and his other three friends behind her. "You... you think this is funny?" He asked feebly.

"What'd you say, Wheeler?" Troy questioned intimidatingly.

"I saw you guys laughing back there," Mike stammered on. "And I think that's a real messed up thing to do."

"Didn't you listen to the counselor, Wheeler?" James asked, scoffing. "Grief shows itself in funny ways."

"Here's an idea," Lizzie shoved her way to the front of the party and confronted the two idiots with a hard look on her face. "Why don't you two shove off and go and consult the counselor about your ugly faces!"

Troy and James laughed. "Oh, Johnson, you sure you're not looking in a mirror?"

"If you're calling her ugly-" Dustin muttered under his breath.

"Yeah, her and Will," James guffawed behind Troy.

By now, a crowd had formed around the small group, most smirking. Troy now knew he couldn't back down, so he kept on hitting. "Besides, what's there to be sad about anyway? Will's in fairyland, now, right? Dancing around with all the other fairies? All happy and gay!"

Lizzie was now at breaking point as well as Mike. They both walked right up to Troy.

"Why don't you just fuck off!" Lizzie yelled, slapping the boy straight across the cheek with all the strength she could muster. An angry red mark was left behind.

Mike, too, got his chance, as he shoved Troy with all his might and the boy fell to the ground.

"Oooohhhh!" The whole crowd went, covering their mouths.

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