25- Not As Shitty

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*3 days later*

"BAHAHAHAHAHAH" I laughed at Bakugo's hair with Kirishima and Sero. His hair wasn't its usual spiky self. Instead, they wear neatly combed to the side.

"Seriously, Bakugou?!" We laughed.

"I thought it was funny on the phone. It's even funnier in person!" I laughed, wiping tears

"My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Stop laughing!" Bakugo yelled. "I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try, side-part boy!" Sero teased.

"What did you say?!" Bakugo yelled, and his hair was back to normal.

"There it is!" I pointed at his hair. "His hair is a bomb too!"

"Why, you little bitch!" Bakugo stomped towards me.

I ran away from Bakugo to catch up with the girls. We talked about our training, patrols, and the random villains we'd bump into.

"How was your week, Ohaco?" I asked, swinging my legs while I sat on Asui's desk.

"It was worthwhile..." Ochaco said, taking up a fighting stance and exhaling what looked like steam. She threw punches in front of her demonstrating her skills. My hands unconsciously fiddled with the blue stone on the necklace Bakugo gave me.

"Aki?" Mina said, slightly tilting her head.


"Is that a new scar?" Mina asked. "I never saw it before."

"Looks like I failed to cover it up." I chuckled nervously. Despite using foundation, the scar on my neck still showed.

"You don't have to hide it," Momo said smiling. "They are battle scars."

"Yeah!" Mina agreed. "Who knows, Bakugo might find scars-"

"Don't you dare complete that sentence." I threatened Mina. Mina laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

"That's a huge change for just one week..." Kaminari said. "But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most were these four." Kaminari pointed me, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida.

"Oh yeah! The hero killer!" Sero exclaimed. Bakugo was holding Sero and Kirishima by the colars of their blazers.

"I'm glad that you guys made it out alive!" Kirishima said with a worried look.

"I heard Endeavor saved you guys, right?" Satou asked me. I smiled, sweatdropping and glanced over to where Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya were.

"Yeah. He 'saved' us." I replied.

"Yeah." Iida and Midoriya nodded.

Iida apologised for his actions to the class. He soon went to his usual self and forced us back to our seats, swinging his arms like a robot. I smiled as he waved his right hand, ordering us back to our seats.

Soon, we had hero basic training with All Might. We geared up and gathered in ground gamma. It was a dense ground filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth.

"Okay, I am here!" All Might said. "Long time no see, boys and girls! For this time's hero basic training-- Since you've all just gotten back from your internships, we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!"

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