44- Brave

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All Might's true form was revealed to the world. We watched the giant screen as he raised his left arm victoriously. Cheers erupted from the crowd around us, cheering on the once symbol of peace. All For One was put in an iron maiden and taken away. All Might suddenly looked at the camera, coughing up blood. He pointed at the camera.

"Next... next, it's your turn."

Everyone cheered for All Might again, having clearly misinterpreted All Might's message. If one saw Midoriya crying over All Might's words, it would be clear as day. It wasn't a threat to the villains. It was Midoriya's turn. It was Midoriya's turn because All Might used up everything within him. I watched Midoriya as he cried his eyes out. It only confirmed my doubts. Izuku did indeed get his quirk from All Might.

I tore my eyes away from Midoriya and looked at Bakugo. I smiled at him, aching to hug him. To tell him how much I missed during these two nights. He looked back at me, crimson eyes burning into the blue of mine. Before I could say something, Kirishima told us it was time to take Bakugo to the police. Bakugo didn't snap or yell when we left him at the station. He was quiet.


The sun was out now, shining down brightly on us. Almost everyone parted ways to go home. Midoriya and I walked to a little playground and sat on the swings, swinging slowly alongside each other. I gave him a side glance. I did not see a 15-year-old Izuku. I saw a 5-year-old Izuku with the burden of the world resting on his shoulder.

"Izuku." I broke the silence. "You're really brave."

"Whaaa- That was so random, Akira-chan!" He said, waving his arms around frantically at the random compliment.

"No, I mean it." I stood up. I did not have my shoes on, and the heat pierced my skin. "If ever you feel hopeless, lost, sad or whatever. Just know you can confide in me."

He looked up at me, his emerald eyes glimmering with fresh tears. His voice cracked. "Thank you, Aki-chan." I smiled and ruffled his curly hair.

"My feet are burning now. I should go home before dad finds out I'm gone."

"He doesn't know?!" I winked at him and teleported back home to the bedroom I was supposed to be in. The pillows were still there, pretending to be me. I heard dad gargle in the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly washed the dirt off my feet and face in the kitchen sink. I then changed into my pyjamas and hopped in bed, pretending like I did not just go on a rescue mission.

Dad knocked on the door before coming inside. I had fallen asleep, exhaustion taking over me. It must have been only 15 minutes, and dad came to wake me up.

"Akira! Wake up! I have good news for you." He shook me by the shoulder. "Wake up!"

"What is it, dad." I groaned, hiding my face under the blanket.

"Bakugo-kun! The heroes got him back safely!"

I yawned and sat up in my bed. Of course dad, I know that. But I had to pretend to be excited, or he'd know something was up.

"Really?!" I jumped on the bed. "Dad, that's awesome!"

"I know!" Dad picked me up and spun me around. He put me back on the bed, and his face dropped a little. "But..."

Now he's going to tell me about All Might.

"All Might's true form was revealed." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed me an article. I took the phone from him and sat on the bed, scrolling through the article.

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