57- Far Better

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It had been a few days since I started doing my work-study with Endeavor. I had a night shift today and got ready in my dorm room. It saved time, and I didn't have to change once I got to the agency. I fastened the buckles on my boots and went downstairs to get some food before I went to work. Also, Katsuki was going to be home any minute.

I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk. I hopped on a high stool, taking a bite of the sandwich. The class was also having dinner at that time, so the kitchen was packed despite being so huge.

"Sano, you should have a proper meal before you go to work!" Iida yelled, making a 90-degree angle with his arms.

"But I want to eat this," I replied, taking a sip of my milk.

"A healthy meal means a healthy bo-"

"We get it, dude." Kaminari let out an exaggerated sigh. Just then, Todoroki and Bakugo entered the kitchen, the latter sulking. Both had injuries on their faces. Bakugo had a bandage on his nose and another giant one on his cheek. I hopped off the stool and walked to Bakugo.

"Oh, my God. Kat, what happened to your cheek?!" I reached a hand out to touch his cheek, but he just stepped back, scowling. I withdrawed my hand, hurt by his reaction.

"Training was tough," Todorki said.

"Oh." I looked at Katsuki again. He didn't look at me. "Does it hurt? Did you go to Recovery Girl?"

"For fucks sake!" He snapped. "Can you stop with the questions?! Mind yer goddamn business for once."

My mouth opened slightly in shock. What got into him? "I was just-"

"Shut up!" He walked to the fridge, bumping into my shoulder like I wasn't standing there. "Stupid extras."

Extra. I worry about Bakugo, and he calls me an extra. Tears sprung from the corner of my eyes. The class watched this interaction, dead still. Midoriya got up from his seat and immediately hugged me, glaring at Bakugo.

"Kacchan... you just made her cry." He said, pressing my head to his chest. Bakugo's glared daggers at the two of us. I immediately blinked away the tears and pulled away from Midoriya.

"I don't have time to cry for bastards," I said. With that, I teleported outside Endeavors agency. As soon as I was away from the class, the tears came rolling out. I took a moment to gain my composure and made sure to wipe my eyes properly, making it look like I never cried.

Inside, I entered my attendance and took the lift to the last floor. All sidekicks were gathered around Endeavor, a few papers in each of their hands.

"Glitchy." Endeavor nodded. "We were discussing a villain. Burnin' give her the papers." Burnin' handed me a few papers, and I shuffled through them. They were details on a villain. On the top right corner was his picture. A man in his late twenties, with green eyes and dark brown shoulder-length curly hair. On the next page were two pictures of a few bodies. All women. Their skin was purple in some places, with veins popping out. All of them had brutal slashes on their limbs and body. It was a gorish scene.

"These are... corpses?" I asked.

"Some are corpses. Some survived." Burnin' said. "According to the police, his quirk is poison spit. If a single droplet of his spit touches you... well, you can see the pictures. It paralyses you, and the poison travels through your blood, rendering you unable to move."

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