48- Your Princess Isn't Ready

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My alarm for 6 went off. I tried taking my phone from under my pillow, but Akira was lying sound asleep on my chest. I fished the phone out and turned off the alarm. My eyes fell on Akira's serene sleeping face. She snored softly, one hand on my chest. Thanks to her, I had the most peaceful sleep in days. Maybe getting a few things off your chest does help.

"Katsuki..." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Hm?" I replied, moving her hair out of her face.

"Stop throwing Izuku off the cliff... He's crying."

"What the fuck is she dreaming about," I muttered. She mumbled a little more and went back to snoring softly. I watched her, unaware of the little smile creeping on my face.

"Oi, dumbass." I shook her a little. "Wake up."

"Don't wanna." She whined, burying her head into my chest, her hair covering her face.

"C'mon, lazy ass. Let's go on a jog." I shook her a little harder. She clicked her tongue and looked up at me with lazy blue eyes, her chin on my chest. I felt my heartbeat increase.

"10 more minutes." She said, closing her eyes again.

"Wake up right now, or I'm throwing a bucket of water on your face."

She groaned and sat up, straddling my waist. She rubbed her eyes, yawning. I took her wrist, stopping her from rubbing her eyes.

"Don't rub your eyes, dumbass."

"You suck." She complained. "Who wakes up at 6 on holidays?"

"I was gonna tell you something. I won't now." I said, hoping it would wake her up a little. She looked at me blankly, waiting for me to say something.

"Remember what I was gonna saw when we were on the training camp?"

"You said a lot of things." She deadpanned. "What are you talking about?"

"When Aizawa sensei came to send us back to bed."

"Oh. What were you gonna say."

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go on a date since we haven't gone on an official date. But looks like you're too fucking sleepy for that." I finished dramatically. Her eyes lit up, and she gasped.

"Really?!" She squealed. "You're taking me on a date?!"

"Guess not. You're too sleepy."

"Nope. I'm wiiiide awake!" She said, eyes glimmering with excitement.

"When are we going?!" She asked.

"After we exercise and have breakfast."

She jumped off the bed, giving me a quick peck before she scurried off to her room to change into her sportswear. I chuckled, seeing her all excited. I aggressively brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed into a tracksuit. When I went downstairs, Akira was already waiting for me. We jogged in the U.A. designated tracks, listening to a song called 'dream lantern'. Akira listened to it so much that I had the lyrics memorised for years. We did 5 laps around the school and then returned to the dorms.

"Phew," Akira said, wiping sweat off her forehead. "I'm exhausted."

"Loser." I snorted.

"Shut up and make me breakfast." She said, pushing me to the kitchen.

"Hah?! Why should I make breakfast?"

"Because I've been making breakfast for your fat ass the entire week." She stated.

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