64- By My Side

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I did not want to open the door to the closet.

I didnt. But I had to. My cowardice would cost me a life.

I opened it.

Out she fell. But she was alive this time. She was breathing. 

Her index twitched. 

I carried her away.


My eyes snapped open. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. I was sure it was because of the dream I saw. But I forgot the dream as soon as my eyes opened. I felt hot breath hit my neck and looked to my left to see Bakugo huddled close to me, face buried under my neck. I kissed his forehead and teleported to my room. I had to get ready for extra classes.



The bed was empty when I woke up. Akira probably woke up earlier to get ready for extra lessons. I yawned and stretched my arms, hearing a satisfying pop from my shoulder. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before going downstairs.

Most of the class was gone for extra lessons. Some were still there since they attended their lessons yesterday. I spotted Pinky sitting alone on the couch, watching some goofy Korean drama on the TV. I silently sat on the couch a little distance away from her.

"Hi, sparky." She greeted, golden eyes fixed on the screen. She finally tore her gaze away from the screen and looked at me. "Do you know its-"

"I know." I interrupted. "That's why I need you to do somethin' for me."

Mina raised an eyebrow at me. It wasn't like me to ask classmates for favours. But I wanted this to be perfect.

"What's that?" She asked, curiously tilting her head.

"Keep Akira out till the evening."

"Eh?! But I wanna help with the decorations and cake!" Pinky pouted.

"For fucks sake. She's going to get suspicious if someone else keeps her distracted outside. If it's you, she won't even notice." I fished my pocket for cash I had stashed in it earlier and slapped it into Mina's palm. "Go shopping, eat or whatever the fuck it is you girls do when you're together. Just keep her out."

"That's a lot of money," Mina muttered. "Is this a bribe?"

"Maybe." I snorted.

"Well, I'll keep her distracted. When can I bring her back?"

"By six," I replied. "Her class finishes at 3, so you just gotta keep her out for three hours."

"Bet." Mina grinned. "You better do this properly."



The class was rather boring. I stopped counting my yawns after the fifth one. I looked at the wall clock. Only fifteen minutes till class ends. But these fifteen minutes felt like an eternity. At last, when class was over, I walked over to Midoriya's seat.

"Hey, Iz-" Before I could complete my sentence, he yelled something I couldn't quite make out and took off at full speed. It wasn't just him. The entire class seemed to be in a hurry.

"Why are you guys in such a hurry," I asked Ochaco, confused.

"Hurry? You're just imagining things." She said with a wave of her hand and walked away without another word.

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