27- All Yours

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I woke up and found myself with an unquenchable desire for water. I groaned, getting out of bed, and let my feet touch the cold white tiles. A shiver ran down my spine. I sleepily dragged myself to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the sideboard. I emptied the whole glass in 3 big gulps, letting the cool water relieve my insides.

I washed the glass and put it back in the sideboard when I realized I wasn't in my own apartment. I was standing in the kitchen where I had spent all my life before my parents separated.

'When the heck did I come here?' I thought, looking around.

I tip-toed out of the kitchen, wondering how I got here when I was pretty sure I fell asleep in my bedroom after binge-watching a whole season of Komi Can't Communicate. I walked through the living room, hoping to see someone sitting on the crusty bottle-green couch. I shrugged and walked upstairs to my mother's bedroom.

I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. No one replied from inside, so I bought my ear closer to the door, listening for snores or breathing. When I didn't hear anything, I opened the door and peeked my head through the door. The lights were off, and the bed was empty. 'Why is the house empty? Where's mom, and why am I here?' I thought to myself.

I ran out of the bedroom and opened every door in the house, looking for my mom. I was getting creeped out by the fact that I was here all alone here. I was supposed to be at my apartment in my bedroom. When I found no signs of my mom in the house, I sighed and walked to the front door. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. The key wasn't hanging in its usual place on a hook by the door.

After trying the door, I decided to use my quirk and teleport outside, but strangely, my quirk wouldn't activate. I felt the squeezing effect of my quirk, but the quirk itself didn't work.

I slowly backed away from the door, wondering what on earth was going on. I sighed and walked back upstairs to my old bedroom. I looked for my phone under the pillow, but couldn't find it. One peculiar thing that caught my eye was that all the windows seemed to have vanished. I sat down by the closet, deep in thought.

'Could it be that someone bought me here and trapped mom and me? But who would do that?' My thought bubble was busted by a rustling sound in the closet.

I quickly got up and goggled at the closet door. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I reached for the handle. I pulled the handle, and something heavy fell into me, causing me to fall to the floor, along with ever that fell on top of me.

I silently cursed and pushed aside the weight from on top of me. I looked at what had fallen on me and jumped up, screaming.

The woman's face was a blur. No matter how hard I tried to make out the features of her face, I couldn't see her face. Her stomach was slit open, leaking intestine and other matter. There were bite marks all over her bare arms and her neck. There were other various injuries on her body. I clutched my stomach and tried not to puke at the bloody sight.

I ran to the door and fumbled with the doorknob, but the door got locked from the other side. I backed away from the door in horror, trying to process what was going on. I fell down in the puddle of blood from the corpse. I stared at my palm, which was now filled with blood.

I took another glance at the woman's face. Suddenly her face wasn't a blur anymore. Her features were crystal clear.

My eyes widened as I realized who the woman was. Hot tears escaped my eyes. I tried calling her, but the knot in my throat only let out a small whimper. I put a hand out to reach the woman's shoulder. But I couldn't reach her. I was getting pulled into nothingness. I tried screaming for her, but my voice wouldn't come out. I tried running towards her, but I kept getting pulled into emptiness.

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