Chapter 1

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Y/N P.O.V.

Here we go, another one of these "hunts". I've been searching for about an hour and have yet to find a single ounce of food. Man, it's been rough ever since my parents died in that car crash. I somehow survived but have no memories what so ever. All I could remember was some beeping and then a big portal? opened up. The rest was a blur. The next thing I knew, I was on the cold cement in some random dark alleyway. Why does life have to do this to me? 

Of course, I quickly pieced together that I was unfortunately homeless. I still have some memories of what happened before I ended up here. Things like my name, birthday and personal information. I remembered all of that. But when it comes to things like my family, it all goes down a spiraling drain. All I could see were fractions of that memory. I was alone. I had to face it. 

Anyways, back to the present, I have been living in the alleyway I was dropped on. I had hospital clothes on so I could only assume I was in the hospital before this whole "thing" happened. I was searching for things to eat, it had only been a day but I looked like a mess. My hair was messy and dirty. My stomach was rumbling loudly as I was really, really hungry and thirsty. As much as I hated this, I knew that in order to survive, I had to find food alone. 

I really had no clue where I was, I could tell that I was probably in Japan considering all the Japanese words on the billboards. I discovered a few things while being here... I realized I could read and speak Japanese. It was really weird considering I could only speak English when I first came here. I mean I learnt some other languages to an extent but even so, I have never spoken Japanese once in my life.

Ahah! I found something, finally. A banana. Really?! You know what I'm not complaining. The banana had some dirt on the outside but was overall still pretty clean. I gobbled it down quickly. Now I just had to find some water. Man this was gonna be so hard. I wonder if I could somehow beg for the water. Then again... 


What was that?! I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts by a loud crash. I just hoped that it was nothing that could've gotten me involved. 

Cliffhanger! What do you guys think? 

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