Chapter 6

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Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I open my eyes to be greeted with the scent of bacon and eggs. That smells so good... Wait What?! I frantically looked around to find some sort of clue as to where I could be. I looked down and I was still in my hospital gown but I wasn't in the park. I slowly got up and walked around. I saw a mirror and decided to look at myself. My eyes widened as I noticed that a lot of things have changed. I look different than I did last time I saw myself. I had purple eyes and light brown hair. I also noticed that I had bandages on my legs, arms and head. It was certainly a weird sight but that still begs the question. Where in the WORLD am I? 

Just then, a blonde man walked behind me. I turned around and quickly realized that it was the man fighting the robber a few days ago. 

"So your awake? That's good. Here have some breakfast." he greeted with a smile while giving me plate of food. My mouth watered as I saw bacon, eggs and toast. I quickly nodded my head and followed him to the dining room. There I saw utensils and a glass of water. The dining room had a square table that could fit four people. It was made out of wood and fit the esthetic of the house quite well. The house walls were white and the floors were made from wood. The countertop of the kitchen was made out of black marble and look shiny. I quickly ate my food and once I was done, I put the plate on the sink. After that I took the glass that was on the table and drank the water. At this point, I realized that I still don't know where I was. I was so distracted by food that I completely forgot about it.

"Ummmm... Sir, where am I?" I asked him, giving him the most innocent look I could show. 

"Well, you're at my house. I saw you passed out on a park bench and decided to take you home. Which reminds me... you should definitely shower and change. There are some clothes in the bathroom that I bought for you earlier today. I hope it fits you." he said gesturing to an open door just around the corner. 

"Just call me if you need anything. After this, we are going to look for your parents." he added. I quickly nodded and went to the bathroom. Once there, I quickly undressed and began showering. Once done, I tried out the clothes he gave me. They fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a purple hoodie and some long white pants. They were so comfortable. I was very happy with the way I looked and went out of the bathroom.  

Once out, I saw that he actually changed. He wore a more casual outfit. He wore a hoodie just like me and some jeans. We quickly walked out of the house. He locked the door and began walking. It was eerily quiet for a while. I hated it when it is so quiet it becomes awkward. I was thinking of a conversation starter but was interrupted when he began talking.

"So, what's your name?" he asked while looking around the city. I told him my name and he simply nodded. "My name is Amuro Toru. But you can just call me Amuro. Also where are your parents?" He asked with curiosity. 

"Well, my parents died in a car crash. I remembered a beeping sound which I assume meant that I was in the hospital. After that, everything went black and I just appeared in a random alleyway.  stayed there for a few days, maybe even a week, until I decided to move around the city to hopefully find shelter. I lost my memories so I don't know what my past was like. I know that my name is y/n but I don't remember my last name. I also remember my age and birthday which is 12 and (insert birthday). The rest I really don't remember. And when I got here, I realized that I could speak and understand Japanese even though in the past I could only understand and speak English." I blabbered looking down on the pavement. 

I was really scared to even look at him. I didn't want him to know that I was homeless and an orphan but I really didn't have a choice. If I lied, I might be in even more trouble. He has been nice enough to let me stay with him for the night anyways. I don't want to burden him anymore that I needed to. I glanced at him and realized that he wasn't even looking at me. I sighed in relief and we continued walking. At this point I really don't know why we are because I already told him that I was homeless and an orphan. 

"Well, it looks like we'll have to do something about that, don't we? You could stay at my place for a while. The orphanage here is currently under renovation and the other one is very far from here. It could take up to a few days to get there by car. Once the orphanage is fixed, we'll decide what to do with you then." he said slowly. My face lit up with excitement and hope. I quickly thanked him. He then smiled at me and we continued walking. 

We stopped in front of a mall. A shopping mall. He stepped inside me following behind him. He then entered a clothing store. Welp, guess we're going shopping. He explained to me that if I was going to be living in his house, we were going to need to buy all of my clothes as the one I was currently wearing was a pair that he bought for temporary purposes. I guess he didn't expect me to be a homeless orphan. But that was to be expected. I then thought of something. Why was he helping me. He could've easily just dropped me in front of the orphanage that was still under renovation and leave me there to die. But he didn't. It was weird for sure.

While he was paying for the clothes, I took a closer look at him. He had dark skin with blonde hair. He had ocean blue eyes and they looked so clear that you can feel like you can easily get lost in them. I realized I was staring when he started to clap in front of me to get my attention. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment and looked down to avoid being embarrassed any further. He simply chuckled and we started walking again. 

While we were walking, I was still thinking of his appearance. His face looks so familiar. I mean familiar as in the sense that I know him even before the robber incident. I kept thinking but I eventually gave up. 'It will come up later on, I'm sure of it.' I thought to myself with determination. After that, I looked up to see that I was in a cafe. It read Cafe Poirot. We entered and Amuro-san entered to the back. I was confused but quickly pieced together that he was a worker there judging from his apron the read Cafe Poirot. He noticed I was there and quickly brought me to the back. There was a separate room at the back that was labeled 'Employee's Break Room' . He sat me down and gave me a glass of water. He also told me where the bathroom was and to just come outside if there was anything wrong. I nodded and he left the room presumably to start his shift. 

The room was painted a white color with little flower decorations on it. There was a TV on the wall, a water dispenser in the corner and green sofas. It felt really homey and really comfortable. I checked the clock on the wall and saw that it was just 11:30 a.m. I was bored so I decided to watch some TV. After some time, I felt my eyes get heavy. I took the remote and switched off the TV before taking a short nap. 

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