Chapter 2

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Y/N P.O.V.

I quietly skidded through the dirty alleyway. When I mean dirty, I mean really, REALLY dirty. Trash was littered around, there were garbage cans everywhere. Like seriously, people should start cleaning this place up. 

I quickly looked around just to make sure nobody saw me. I could be in trouble if they did. Probably put me up for adoption or something. Thankfully, I didn't see anyone. I continued to where the sound came from. When I arrived, I saw something... unexpected. There I saw, a man who had a black mask on. He was holding a gun up to his own head. I didn't want to get caught so I hid behind a graffitied wall while peeking to see what was going on. The man was holding what seemed like a money bag. I could only assume that he was a robber. His outfit looked painfully similar to outfits that movie robbers would use. It was really bad and ugly. I would not be caught dead wearing something like that. 

In front of the man was a blonde man. A blonde man... He looked somewhat familiar to me. Wait what?! Someone  familiar! My jaw dropped as I silently gasped. My brain was thinking of a million things a minute. Questions raced through my head as if competing against one another. This was absolutely crazy.

The blonde man was wearing a white shirt and some sweatpants. He also had handcuffs sticking out of his pocket from what I can see. So is he a police officer or something? I really don't know. He had no weapons and was readying his fist. My eyes widened in surprise. Is he really going to fight him with just his bare hands. Like the robber had a gun. I don't know how he is going to dodge that! I was too scared to move or utter a word so I watched them fight. 

The fight went a little something like this. Gun, Fire. Blonde, Dodge. Blonde, hit. Robber, falls. Robber, handcuffed. I was so shocked. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Was he really that fast and strong. He was so cool. 

Soon, I heard sirens. Police sirens. I quickly retreated and hid from the police. I didn't really want anything happening to me since I just watched a fight. For all I know, I could get arrested. And I don't want to be a jail. I am only 12! I walked back to my original spot. I don't want to take any chances with the police. They were very serious when it came to things like this. That much I knew.

While I was walking, I accidentally tripped over a black trash bag. And while I was falling, I tried grabbing a trash can with me. But the world decided to be mean to me and made the trash can fall along with me. And just like that... I found myself in a very stinky situation. 

I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

There we go! Done with Chapter 2. Hope you like it.

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