Chapter 16

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Y/N P.O.V.

Dinner was relatively quiet. We were eating some spaghetti carbonara and it was so delicious. Along the way, Akai-san joined us. I didn't mind but my brother was a completely different story. I have tried multiple ways over the past few days to make them get along or at least not hate each other. Though it has proven to be useless. My brother still sends death glares even when walking past him. So I thought of one way to make them get along... Expose them. Well, not really like that. But expose them as in a sense of telling them what really happened on that rooftop. So I did the only reasonable thing to do which is act really, really, REALLY childish and innocent. 

"Why do you hate him so much?" I vaguely asked to nobody in particular breaking the silence. They both stared at me in confusion. It honestly took me so much power and control not to just run away. 'Welp! There ain't goin' back now.' I thought to myself while I sweat dropped inside.

"What do you mean?" My brother asked. 

"It is very noticeable by everyone in this house that you always send him a death glare every time you see each other. But I seriously don't get it. Do you know him from the past? Did he do something to you or to someone you love?" I asked raising a brow. He ever so slightly twitched in annoyance and then sighed. 

"Well... something like that," he said lowering his gaze from my (e/c) eyes down to the now finished plate of spaghetti. 

"But, that's a story for another time. Okay, y/n?" he chirped glancing back at me. His upset demeanor dropping into his usual cheery self. I nodded and proceeded to collect the plates from the table. 

"Ok! But I really think that you should at least get along. We might stay here for a while so might as well get along right?" I commented before turning on my heels towards the kitchen, leaving the two alone. 

But what they didn't know is that I actually hid a camera in the room so that me and 'Conan' can watch them from the secret control room


I walked up to a certain blue-eyed boy who was in the library reading a Sherlock Holmes novel. 

"Umm... Hello there! We haven't formally met yet. My name is y/n l/n Amuro." I stated with my hand extended. I know that it's supposed to be Furuya but we can keep that a secret for now. 

He shook it then proceeded to introduce himself. 

"Ne, ne. Conan-kun, do you think that we can be friends? I don't have that many..." I asked. He nodded and we proceeded to talk. 

At one point, I brought up the topic of my brother and Akai-san. 

"Conan-kun. Do you think that we can make a plan to get my brother and Akai-san to be friends or at least make them stop fighting. Since we are basically living here for awhile, it would be the best for them to make up. Right?" I questioned.

"So you noticed it too, huh? Well... any ideas for this plan of yours?" he inquired with a hint of curiosity. I nodded to his question.

"Well, here's what we can do..." 

We proceeded to talk all about my plan with him occasionally adding some new ideas or correcting some mistakes. Let's just say that this was going to be good.

Info to story:
(e/c) is eye color. (BTW, I forgot if I have mentioned this or not. Just a reminder)

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Lost motivation for a while. I would also like to apologize for not uploading often. I would like to say that I only upload when I feel like it. Otherwise, this story will remain untouched. Thank you for all the support that you guys showed on this story. And with that...

Author Out! 

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