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Hi everyone! First off, I would like to apologize for the lack of uploads. I am currently focusing on my new book "An Experiment Gone". Go check it out. I might end up re-editing this book. But I need your opinion on this. I feel like this book is quite bad but I would like your thoughts on this. Please comment whether or not I should rewrite this because I will do this based off your opinions. It will still follow the plot line but will be written better. Another reason for my lack of uploads is because I am unmotivated and have no ideas. I'm so, so sorry. 

So in the meanwhile, I would recommend checking out my new book. It is much better than this book. So with a heavy heart, I proclaim this book on Hiatus. I think I will continue this until the end but it has a low quality because it is my first book. I'm really, really sorry once again.

Ally out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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