Chapter 17

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Thank You all so much for 1K reads!!! I didn't think I'd make it this far. Thank you all for the support and without further a due, enjoy reading!

Y/N P.O.V.

Me and Conan-kun watched through the camera from the control room. There we can see them conversing to each other. Well, trying to anyways. A moment later, they were silent and just kept on glaring at each other. This was obviously not going anywhere so we did Plan A. We sent Amu-nii-chan a video through email. Not just any video, but a video of me tied in a chair with a rope in a dark room. The only source of light was a singular light bulb but even so, it was nearly broken. I had tape on my mouth and my hands were tied behind my back. Conan was using his voice-changer bow tie to change into a man's voice. He was behind the camera so he wasn't seen.

In other words, it was a ransom video. 

They watched the video and every second that the video played, they got even more upset, confused, worried and angry. It did make sense that they were upset, worried and angry but they were confused because they had just seen me walk towards the kitchen a few minutes ago. The video finished and they quickly checked the kitchen to see if I was there but I wasn't. At this point, Amu-nii-chan was full on panicking while Akai-san was thinking. Then it happened.

"Listen, Amuro-san. If we are really going to find your sister, you're going to need to calm down." Akai-san stated calmly.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Are you crazy?! Someone just KIDNAPPED my sister and you're expecting me to CALM DOWN?! I hon-" 


Akai-san just slapped my brother. Me and Conan-kun both looked at each other with only one thing in mind 'SHOOT!'. We turned back to the monitor and to our surprise, Amu-nii-chan seemed to be okay with it.

"Listen, I know you're worried but stop PANICKING! THINK, BOURBON, THINK! Panicking isn't going to get us anywhere so use that head of yours and THINK!" Akai-san shouted.

The blonde simply nodded. 

"Sorry..." he muttered. The older simply sighed and sat down and headed to the living room. The other following right after. 

After a few seconds, the blonde looked up again but this time in surprise. 

"Wait... before, did you say US?!" he questioned the FBI agent in front of him. Akai-san smirked. 

"And here I thought you were more observant than this. I will help you but on one condition." he stated. My brother patiently waiting for him to continue. "In order for this to work, we have to get along. We don't have to be friends, but we just need to get along. Do we have a deal?" he bargained. The NOC thought for a moment before nodding slowly as a response. Satisfied with this answer, Akai-san began to explain of a plan he thought of. And just like me and Conan-kun did before, Amu-nii-chan began adding or replacing ideas in the plan with his own. 

Back in the control room, me and Conan-kun were celebrating of this success. But then we realized, what will we do now? We didn't have a plan after this. We began panicking and ended up having to come up with a very rushed plan. Kinda ironic how Akai-san and Amu-nii-chan are planning to save me while me and Conan-kun are planning to put me in "danger".

Hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night.

Allium signing off!

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