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The week flew by with ease, and it was now October 31st. Tina's party was being held that night, and though it took a ton of convincing, since it was being held on a school night, Nicole was allowed to go. The Moore's had already gone to sleep, so Nicole was left to get ready before she headed out into the night air.

The blonde was going as the most cliche thing in the books, an Angel. It may have been a classic, but she killed the look. Her long hair was straightened along her bag, the halo headband helped keep it in place. She wore a pair of sheer white stockings, and on her torso a plain white tank top body suit. It was slightly cheeky, but that's the look she was going for. Since she'd be walking, she paired the outfit with a pair of white converse. The last thing she added were a few necklaces and bracelets to help add some pizazz into the costume.

After applying a coat of lipgloss, she did one more once over in the mirror before deciding she liked the look enough to go out. She muck out as queerly as possible, because if he parents saw her outfit she would be grounded until the end of times. The air was freezing at this point, and she scolded herself for leaving her Jean jacket hung over her vanity chair.

Thankfully, Tina's wasn't far from her house at all. She even knew of a short cut that would get her where she needed to be. After around 10 minutes of walking she finally saw the flashing lights and heard the obnoxiously loud music pouring from the extravagant house. She quickly made her way inside and slid past bodies to get to the kitchen, where she knew the drinks would be.

Nicole filled her cup up with the mystery juice and chugged some back, careful not to spill the red liquid on her all white outfit. There was no one she had come to see, so she just wandered around the crowd until someone pulled her to the side, if they did.

It didn't take long for some of the boys to realize the girl, since she was wearing hardly nothing. Sure, other girls were as well, but Nicole was seemingly untouchable. Men always loved a good challenge, and she was the definition of one.

"Hey, Nicole!" A boy shouted as he pushed past bodies to meet with the girl.

"Hey!" She smiled, recognizing him as Michael Fraser.

"You here with anyone?" He asked.

It was no lie that Michael was one of the more attractive men in Hawkins, so Nicole hadn't completely shut down the idea of him.

"No, I'm just hanging out." She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, and that caused a hungry look to flash in his eyes.

"Good.. wanna go against me in Flip Cup?" He questioned as his head nodded over to the table surrounded by teens.

"You're on." Nicole winked as she walked past, swaying her hips intentionally.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Nicole cheered after she gulped down the last of the strong liquor that filled the last cup, throwing her hands up to brag that she won. Michael watched her dance and laugh as students surrounding gave high fives out and cheered for the blondes win. She had to go through 5 shots, in order to win the game, and by now the girl was buzzing.

Michael made his way toward the ecstatic girl and placed his arm around her shoulder, congratulating her on the well played victory. Cheering was heard from outside as teenagers counted numbers, and the two teens waltzed out the back door to figure out what the commotion was about.

"40.. 41.. 42!" The surrounding peers whooped as Billy hopped down from the keg, spraying beer everywhere.

"That's how you do it Hawkins! That's how you do it! Woo!" Billy whooped as a teen handed him a cigarette, quickly pulling a drag from it.

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