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Steve and Nicole's morning routine went as per usual. Both getting ready, Steve heading to the Moore residence, eating breakfast together, then off to school they went. Only this time, there was actually something new to gossip over, since Nicole practically had a date the night prior. The only thing was the male best friend was failing at getting any information out of the girl.

The pair of best friends would never split, no matter what. At least, that's what Billy had interpreted through the many failed attempts by not only him, but other peers over the years. It irked him, because now he had to come up with some other way to make their lives a living hell.

There was no real motivation toward it. Billy had already climbed his was to the top of the social ladder, with not so much of a reaction from Steve. He held the title as the King of Hawkins High, so why did he need to continue to try and ruin two peaceful high schoolers lives?

He didn't have a clue.

From the age of twelve Billy realized he had a peak interest in making others feel bad about themselves. To tear them down and make them insecure, using his harmful words to penetrate their pure minds. Maybe it was a cover up for his own pain and insecurity. Since his safe place left him, he had to take away everyone else's. Yes, it was cruel, Billy knew that.

But simply being cruel wouldn't stop Billy Hargrove, he knew he was, and he didn't care.

"Come on, just tell me." Whines filled the Hawkins air as two bodies walked closer to the small high school.

"There's really nothing to tell, Steve." Giggles were just loud enough for peers that stood in close proximity to hear.

"Bullshit! It was a date. Like, did you guys cozy up, maybe share a little kiss here and there.." the boy was cut off by a slight whack to his arm.

"Shut up you creep," Nicole laughed loudly as they made their way into the halls, "we just watched a movie, that's all I swear."

"Well that's kind of boring." Steve muttered, but not quiet enough for the girl to miss.

"It was sweet. How a first date should go in my book." The blonde quickly defended, squinting her eyes at her best friend.

"You just say that because it's the only proper date you've been on. Any other guy just wants the forbidden fruit." The metaphor caused the girl to outwardly cringe.

"Yeah, okay. This conversation is done."

Thankfully they'd made their way to Nicole's locker so she could force the metal door open, hiding Steve's goofy face. She wasn't sure why she didn't want to talk about her night with Michael, since it was presumably nice. It could've been the fact that she was terrified something good in her life would slip away, or maybe she wanted to keep everything as private as possible so no body could taint the night with any horrific rumors.

However, Michael had the complete opposite idea. He gushed to every one of his friends about his night with Nicole, and how nice it had been. It was no lie that the boy had a thing for the effortless blonde for some time now, and now that he scored a date he felt as if he was on top of the world.

Michael was never one for rumors. He never understood why he had to follow along in some ridiculous lie spread only to cause embarrassment and hurt to whoever it was aimed at. He was a genuine and kind boy, and that's why he never believed a word that was said about Nicole. He never saw her with tons of guys like it had claimed to be, only Steve. Even when she was with Steve, during his relationship with Nancy, he never saw her as the bad guy everybody else decided she was.

Sure, he was a little worried about Steve, but after seeing how long they've been friends he quickly realized there was no true reason to worry. Not every girl, nor guy had to be a terrible person who's goal was to hurt others.

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