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"You know, if I had my own car I wouldn't have to rush out of the house so early on." Nicole rolled her eyes as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Why don't you be grateful for what you have, how about you get a job to get that car you need so badly." Her father snapped into the mother and daughter conversation, suddenly.

Amanda was complaining about how the teenager never really showed them interest in the mornings, or at all for that matter. She complained about how she was spending too much time up in her room, instead of with family where she should be. Nicole fumed at her fathers words and she felt tears prick her eyes as her heart stung.

"I don't spend time with you guys, well god. I wonder why." She snapped before she could stop the words from pouring out of her mouth.

"Get out of my house." Paul spat at his daughter, throwing down the newspaper that was once in his hand.

"Paul.." Amanda tried, but was quickly shushed by the raise of his hand.

"No, I'm tired of her acting like a spoiled brat. You think you don't have everything and more? Get out, i better not see your face after this morning."

Nicole sucked in a breath, a tear slipping it's way down her face, but she was too stubborn to let up.

"Fine. Don't come crawling back when you decide to become a good parent."

As soon as she slammed the door shut, Nicole let her body shake. She didn't even notice the body at the top of her driveway as she wept, holding her head in her hands.

"Nicole?" The deep voice made her hold her breath, silently cursing at being caught crying.

With a quick swipe across her face, she hoped she got rid of most of the tears cascading down her face. I'm reality, however, she smeared black mascara all across her cheeks.

"Billy, um.. what are you doing here?" She cleared her throat, embarrassed.

"I was coming to see if you needed a ride to school. Are you uh— okay?" He stepped toward her, but Nicole didn't really know how to respond.

She decided that the truth would probably be a good start.

"I just got kicked out." She let out a bitter breathy laugh.

"What?" Billy's eyebrows pinched together.

"Yeah, apparently I'm an ungrateful brat. It's whatever." She waved it off, walking toward the boy as anger began to strike again.

Billy paused her by grabbing ahold of her shoulders, just as Nicole went to walk past him. Of course, the girls natural reaction  was to look up. So, as she did so Billy took her face in his hands and swiped away the mascara from her face.

"Pretty girl." He mumbled, his hold lingering for a few moments longer.

Nicole felt that familiar blush creep on her cheeks before she forcefully pulled her face away from Billy's rough hands. Billy's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, unsure how to feel about the girls sudden withdraw.

"I've gotta get to school Billy, I'm going to be late."

"Let me give you a ride." He stepped in her way as she tried to maneuver around him.

"No, it's fine. I've gotta find Steve as soon as I can." She sighed.

"Harrington? What the hell does he have to do with anything?" Billy physically scrunched his nose in disgust.

"I got kicked out.. Billy." She stated like it was obvious he knew her plan.


"I need somewhere to stay?"

"Oh. Right. Why don't you stay with me?" He offered.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Thank you though." And with that, the girl placed a kiss on the boys cheek and began to walk her way to school.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"I don't know, Nic. Are you sure you weren't being a little dramatic?" Steve sighed before receiving a shove to the chest.

"No, asshole! I was literally just making a point on how if I had my own car they would not have to give me rides and it would be so much easier for all of us." Nicole scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"What about Billy? Hasn't he been giving you rides?" His question came out sour without meaning to.

"Never mind, Steve. It's obvious you think I'm just overreacting about this. Catch you later." Nicole quickly picked up her bag, no longer caring about the lunch that still sat at the cafeteria table and stormed off.

The girl didn't make it far before somebody was calling out to her. Though, she was upset so she didn't hear the first few times her name was called. She let out a huff of air and spun around once she realized this person was not going to get off her back until she stopped for them. The anger melted off her face once she saw who it was and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I saw you sped out of the cafeteria. You alright?" Billy questioned as he finally caught up to the blonde.

She thought for a moment on what to say, before a small smile took over her face, "is that offer to stay with you still up for grabs? Just until I can figure something out."

Billy tried to contain his happiness at the girl finally agreeing on staying at his house. He was also ecstatic that she wouldn't be staying with Harrington of all people. However, he had no clue how he was going to pull off sneaking the girl past his family in the time that she stayed.

"I wouldn't have offered it if I were gonna change my mind a few hours later." He finally replied.

"Thank you, seriously. I'll be out as quick as I can, I promise." Nicole shot the boy a thankful smile.

"Don't stress, Nicki. I've got your back." He left a small kiss on her forehead and the girl couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in her stomach.

Out of everything that's happened, at least she gets to stay with the hottest boy in Hawkins. There's always some good in the bad, that's why Nicole vowed to stay optimistic.


A/N: I am so sorry about such a delayed update. I have been so bad about writing lately, and I got writers block for a bit. Hopefully I'll be back now!

Love you guys, hope you're staying safe!

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