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"Where is Steve?" Amanda asked as she shrugged on her coat.

"I don't know." Nicole sighed, beyond frustrated.

"What do you mean you don't know? Isn't he your ride?" The mother pestered further.

"I don't know!" The teenager slightly rose her voice, causing Amanda to widen her eyes.

"Well, have you tried ringing the Harrington's?"

"Yes, mom. Like 20 times." Nicole pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, I could take you on my way to work if you'd like." The kind woman offered, but the younger blonde was not having it.

"No thanks. I'll just walk." With that statement, Nicole pulled on her backpack and headed toward the door.

"Don't be late!" Amanda shouted as she closed the door, ready to take on the long walk toward the high school.

However, as she walked up the street, Billy was walking out of his house. Only today, the red head that normally accompanied him, didn't. It was odd, but Nicole didn't put much thought into it because it really wasn't her business. Billy caught sight of the blonde as well, noticing how bitter she looked as she clutched her sweater tighter to her body.

So, just as she began to walk past his house trying not to give him a second glance, he called out.

"You need a ride, princess?"

Nicole stopped at the sudden question and thought for a moment, "no thanks, I don't want to be a bother."

He just rolled his striking blue eyes, "just get in. We're going the same way."

Out of stubbornness, Nicole stood her ground for a moment. She didn't want to cave in and get into the boys much warmer car. She didn't want him to have the satisfaction of winning. However, the cold wind was in Billy's favor that morning, and Nicole shuffled to the car.

"Atta' girl." He mumbled as she plopped herself down in the passenger seat.

The engine of the bright blue Camaro roared to life just as Nicole shut the passenger side door. The boy practically peeled out of the driveway and began the race toward the Hawkins high school. The blonde girl assumed that it would be a quiet ride with nothing interesting happening, but she was quite wrong.

"Did you consider what we talked about last night?" The curly headed boy questioned as he slid his hand over her thigh, holding a light grip on the upper.

"W-what?" The stutter flew out before she could stop it, flustered by the sudden act.

"About Michael? You still think he's some saint?" It was baffling how nonchalant Billy was being, while Nicole was struggling to keep calm.

"I don't know. You're one guy, not the majority." The flashback of words made Nicole flinch slightly, but Billy deserved it.

If he wouldn't believe her, why should she believe him.

He sighed, "I know you think I'm a piece of shit. I know we don't.. get along, but I really am looking out for you this time."

His blue eyes flicked to her own, and Nicole felt herself gulp. Before she could shoot a reply back, they were pulled into the school parking lot and eyes were immediately on the car. The flustered girl was suddenly cursing herself for grabbing a ride with the new king of the high school. Rumors were bound to fly around, and who knew if Billy would feed into them.

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you around."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

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