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The next morning consisted of rushing around and panic because both the teens had slept in. Nicole never slept in, and she blamed it on the fact that she had the warmth of another person holding her the previous night. If they weren't out the door in the next 5 minutes, they'd be late for first period. So, Billy almost immediately jumped out of Nicole's window and she began to brush her hair at her vanity.

She slept in the makeup she did yesterday, and it looked a mess so she had to spend a few minutes cleaning her face. She didn't have time to put on new makeup, so she decided to make up for it with an outfit that would draw attention from her face. She wore a pair of flared jeans, a white fitted, cropped tee and a slightly oversized leather jacket on top. She paired the outfit with a pair of cute black boots and quickly grabbed her school bag before she made her way downstairs.

She didn't have time to grab a thing for breakfast, which she would regret later. Her parents just watched as she practically ran through the house, because she usually said goodbye. Though, they knew she would be late and weren't entirely sure how she'd get to school in time by walking, because they had no clue that the Hargrove boy had slept over that previous night.

Or so she thought.

After some time, the two teenagers ended up falling asleep together. Nicole's mom wanted to check in on her because she faked sick the previous day, but she wasn't expecting a boy to be asleep in her bed. After Nicole's dad was informed, he was set on ripping the boy a new one, but Amanda somehow talked him out of it. Although, the family would be having a talk once Nicole got home from school.

"Took you long enough." Billy complained as the girl rushed toward his car to grab a ride.

"Shut the hell up this is your fault." Nicole glared as she plopped herself into the passenger seat, not even realizing the smaller body in the back.

Until the pre-teen girl cleared her throat, causing Nicole's head to whip around.

"Oh hey, I'm Nicole." The teenager outstretched her hand to offer a handshake.

"So like, you're his new girl friend?" The fiery red head spoke, sarcasm dripping off her voice.

"Shut the hell up Max." Billy barked as he floored the Camaro down the street, Nicole retreating her hand in the process.

If it weren't for Billy's speeding, the group surely would've been late. They arrived with just minutes to spare, and Max took off to the middle school almost immediately once she was able to get out of the car. Nicole was still frantic about being late to first period, since that teacher was extremely strict about the no tardy system.

"I'll catch you later." She waved, ready to speed walk to class, but her plans were ruined by a hand pulling her back.

Nicole's body crashed into Billy's, and the boy had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Slow down, you have time. Let me walk you." His hand moved some hair out of her flushed face, tucking the stray strands behind her ear.

"Billy.. I don't have time to mess around. My teacher is super strict." Nicole sighed, feeling all the eyes glued on the pair.

"Fine, I'll walk you to your next class, who do you have now, I'll meet you." He asked, but Nicole was thrown completely off guard by him wanting to be seen around her.

"Um, Mrs. Fredricks. Thank you." She went to turn once more, but Billy stopped her again.

He turned her face toward his, and leaned down to leave a quick kiss on her cheek, smirking as he pulled away. Just like that, he finally let her go. Nicole heard the gasps and immediate whispers as the boy pressed his soft lips upon her cheek, and she knew immediately that she was back to being the talk of the school. She never liked the attention on her, she always wanted to just get by and avoid drama at all costs. However, she now knew that as long as Billy was fascinated by her, she would in some way be the talk of the school.

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