Baghdad in Flames

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It all began in July 2014, when a Soldier named Sergeant Matthew James Parker.

Matthew (narrating): We come into this world with our eyes opened. And most of us choose to live our whole lives that way. We follow anyone who will lead us... giving ourselves over to anything that provides us with a sense of purpose. For me, it was the Army Rangers.

I had enlisted Four Years ago with my best friends. Now we were half a world away, being deployed into Iraq. We were brothers in arms. No matter how bad it got, I could always count on them to keep me in line.

Matthew stands with a group of soldiers which was his Squad. They were in Kuwait few hours before Sunset. Yuri Malashenko and Greg Jackson who are standing next to Him along with his squad members, Greg taps his shoulder.

Greg: Cheer up, Matt. It can't be all that bad.

Matthew: I guess i am in the actual combat now after 4 years of staying in the camp.

Greg: Ah Matt, this is what we signed up for.

Matthew: Well, Dad was a tough guy, he entrusted this war to anyone including me.

Greg: Yeah? Because your Dad was the CentCom Commander.

Matthew: Yeah, but i prefer to make a name for myself.

Yuri: Specialist Yuri Malashenko.

Matthew: Sergeant Matthew Parker. So where you from?

Yuri: Russia, emigrated to the states back in 2007 to find a new life and i found it here. My Father was an Afghan Veteran but he is still in the Russian Army, A General. I have a Brother who is in Spetsnaz. But my Father wants me a better life so I went to US.

Greg: We got ourselves a Russian Army Ranger. Yuri, stay with the Sergeant ok?

Yuri: Yeah.

Matthew: Any plans on Nathalie?

Greg: Seriously? Yeah.

Matthew: Do you love her?

Greg: Ofcourse, yeah. But after the fight i guess.

Their commander, Captain Martin Sanderson stands before the group and talks.

Capt. Sanderson: All right, All right - listen up! We have our orders - Repel ISIS invasion of Baghdad, Down and dirty, just like we saw on TV. We will Defend the City and Hold it and one more thing, Were gonna Kick some Bad Guys!

Squad: OOAAH!

Capt. Sanderson: Everybody ready?!

Squad: HOOAH!

Capt. Sanderson: Let's do this! Parker, Jackson, lead out to the Chinooks! Rest of you, in the Convoy!

Greg: Let's get it done!

The soldiers then head out, with Sanderson leads to the Convoy while Matthew and Greg along with their squads went to the Chinooks.

Matthew (Narrating): My Name is Sergeant Matthew James Parker, US Army Ranger Squad Leader under the 5th Ranger Regiment. ISIS was invading Baghdad. We had to push them back. This wasn't just a mission. It was an initiation.

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