Live, My Love

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Days before they Sent Home, The Knight Company were on a Rest Day when an Explosion Rocked the Base. Moments later, They checked the Blast Site and it was a Small Tent.

Matthew: What is going on?

Greg: Something blew up.

Matthew: ISIS?

Greg: No.

Matthew: Get the Medics Now!

Later In the Hospital

Capt. Sanderson: What happened?

Soldier: A Soldier Blew up. We dont know if that was an Accident or something.

Captain Sanderson checked at the Soldier who died because of the Grenade Blast.

Capt. Sanderson: I know him. He is from another Army Unit. He lost his Girlfriend many years ago back home. He is suffering from a Mental Breakdown since then. He became more dangerous and at risk before this happened.

Soldier: Captain, do you think that More Soldiers will end up like this?

Capt. Sanderson: I cannot say. But i fear there will be more, not just here but in other bases.

Soldier: I hope this wont happened on a daily basis. There are alot of soldiers who have the same problem. Lost their Love ones back home, Breakdown and Death.

Capt. Sanderson: My Captain have the same problem, His Girlfriend died in Baghdad many years ago. He broke down, we helped him and somehow lived. My Captain was the Ghost of Tikrit. We will send him home in a Few Days time.

Later on, Captain Macmillan and Captain Sanderson talked eachother in a Room.

Capt. Macmillan: What happened back there was sad. I could have end up like him today but you helped me recovered. But i decided to hide and live alone in the shadows.

Capt. Sanderson: Have you ever think of Killing Yourself after the Court Verdict?

Capt. Macmillan: Yeah. I tried it once with a Pistol while you are asleep in the base when suddenly someone whispered in my ear saying "Live, My Love".

Capt. Sanderson: Live? My Love? But who?

Capt. Macmillan: Andrea. Andrea came to me. She told me to Live.

Capt. Sanderson: Captain.

Captain Macmillan cried.

Capt. Macmillan: She told me to Live. She told me to Live. But i wanna be with her.

Capt. Sanderson: I know. I know.

Capt. Macmillan: Every night, She kept telling me those words. I dont know why.

Capt. Sanderson: I know its hard to believe but she came to my dream too, asking me to protect you and take care of you. I did whatever i could to take care of you as she wished. I fulfilled her will to take care of you because you are good man, Captain. A Good Man who has a Good Heart. She even told me that You Loved Her like the way you love our Company.

Capt. Macmillan: If i come home, what will happen to me? Will i get arrested? Will i finally be sentenced to death for killing her?

Capt. Sanderson: Stop thinking about it, you are going home. We will take care of you. We won't leave you behind. We care for you, Captain.

Capt. Macmillan: Thank you, Jonathan. You always care for me. How i wish i have a Brother like you.

Capt. Sanderson: You are my Brother as always, We may not be in the same blood but we are brothers in arms.

Capt. Macmillan: Thanks.

Capt. Sanderson: Welcome. Now get some rest.

Capt. Macmillan: One more thing, i have to tell you something.

Capt. Sanderson: What is it.

Capt. Macmillan: Keep an eye on Sergeant Parker. I fear for him and his future.

Capt. Sanderson: Sergeant Parker will be fine. We will take care of him ok?

Capt. Macmillan: Ok. I am just worried about him.

Capt. Sanderson: I understand, now get some rest.

Capt. Macmillan: Thanks, Jonathan.

As Captain Sanderson leaves, Captain Macmillan looks at the picture of his love and cried.

Capt. Macmillan (In his Mind): Andrea. I missed you so much. I want to be with you but you kept me alive. You kept me alive because you asked me to live. There are times that i want to be with you. But you told me to live and i lived. I wanna love you again. Give me another chance to love you again. Love me again, Andrea. Love me again.

Captain Macmillan kept her picture on his pocket and he fell asleep moments later. Later that night, Matthew went to Captain Macmillan's room with Louise and Andrew to Check on him.

Matthew: Captain.

Capt. Macmillan: Sergeant Parker. You came here.

Matthew: Just checking on you.

Louise: We are just checking you. Just to be sure.

Capt. Macmillan: I am fine, No ropes, No pistols, No knives. Nothing. Ask your Captain.

Matthew: No need. You are all good. In fact, we monitored you and you are looking just very fine. Its just, you are looking sad again.

Capt. Macmillan: In few days now, I will come home. Perhaps i will be detained in a Military Cell, Resume my Trial and somehow punished neither by Honorary Discharge or Death Sentence. I prefer Death Sentence because i commit desertion. Desertion is Punishable by Death and when i die. I will be with her again.

Matthew: I cannot say if you are going to trial for that. But let me tell you this, Captain. You are a good soldier and a good man. You are just living in sadness and you are living in the dark. But there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel, as what other people say. One day, you will see the light again.

Capt. Macmillan: Thanks for that, Sergeant. I do not know if i am going to see the Light again. Darkness has ruled over me already. I have nowhere place to go now. I have no more family left. I have no more friends.

Matthew: We are here. The US Army, Captain Sanderson, The Knight Company. We are here to help you. We are your Family. We will take care of you, Captain. 

Capt. Macmillan: Sergeant, Thank you for everything. But i have to face my own troubles. If my fate is death, i accept it wholeheartedly. I am ready to die ever since. I am ready to see her again. But if they want to keep me alive, i will be ok. I will have a slow death anyway. I will be in jail for a long time and somehow i will be with her again when the time comes.

Matthew: Don't say that Captain. You need to live. Life goes on, whether in good and bad. Your Day will come, Captain. But not today. We will be shipped out and bring you home. But i wont take you in a Prison Cell. I will take you to a better place.

Capt. Macmillan: I see. I have to tell you that you have a very good future. You will be just like your father. But i see a different future of you, you might end up like me. But i will never let that happen to you, Sergeant. 

Matthew: Don't worry about me. I am fine. My Fate and My Future is in God's Hands and My Fate and My Future is on me. I can take care of my own. Don't you worry about it ok. 

Capt. Macmillan: I am just concerned about you. You know. 

Matthew: I see. But i will take care of myself. And lastly, you have to take care of yourself too ok.

Matthew holds Captain Macmillan's Left Shoulder and tapped it for a moment.

Matthew: I will go back to sleep and take some rest. Louise, Andrew, Take care of the captain and take some rest too.

Louise: Got it, Matthew. 

Andrew: Copy.

Matthew: See you around, Cap.

Capt. Macmillan: You too.

Matthew leaves the room and went back to his quarters.

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