The Ranger's Honor

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Hours Later, the Plane arrived at Andrews Air Base in Washington DC, Captain Macmillan along with Matthew and his squad disembarked the plane moments later.

Matthew: Captain, We are home.

Capt. Macmillan: Thank you, Sergeant.

Matthew: Don't thank me. Thank Captain Sanderson. You are now home.

Capt. Macmillan: Remember Parker, Do not end up like me like I said.

Matthew: I will.

The Military Police arrived to bring Captain Macmillan to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Capt. Macmillan: I will be fine.

Matthew: Take care of him.

MP Officer: Yes sir.

Captain Macmillan was escorted by the Military Police, He thought that he will be arrested f

Capt. Macmillan: Alright. See you around.

Matthew: We will visit you.

The Military Police and Captain Macmillan left while Matthew and his squad went to the Pentagon to receive their Awards including a Bronze Star for them. After the Awarding, other members were sent home to their families but Matthew, James, Yam, Louise, and Andrew went to his house.

Matthew: Welcome to my home.

James: Man, this is your house.

William: Simple but big for a US Army Soldier who is a Son of General Parker.

Matthew: I prefer to work on my own than taking my Father's Footsteps.

Louise: Sergeant, we need to celebrate in this house.

Matthew: OK then, Maybe a glass will be a start, Gather round guys.

Matthew brings his red wine and four drinking glasses to celebrate.

Matthew: My Father once said to me, There's an old military saying, "You treat your men like you would your beloved sons, and they'll follow you into the deepest valley". We lost a few of our men, and it taught us the importance of seizing the moment. Of saying what needs to be said when you have the chance. We did a hell of a job out there. The Army has opened up fantastic opportunities for us Rangers - and for that, We are grateful.

They raised their glasses

Matthew: To all of us, Rangers.

They all make a toast and drink. Later, General Parker and Yuri arrived.

Gen. Parker: May I join?

Matthew: Dad.

Yuri: Matthew, Congratulations.

Matthew: Thanks.

Louise, Andrew, James, and Jiro stood up and saluted to the General.

Gen. Parker: At ease.

General Parker joins and drinks wine with Matthew and his Squad.

Gen. Parker: Now that you are a Second Lieutenant, I hope that you will be a better Soldier, Maybe in the Future, Future Commander.

Matthew: Dad, I can do this on my own. Dont worry.

Gen. Parker: For now, we put you all to the Reserve Status. This means you are all on Vacation until further notice.

Matthew: Thank you, dad.

Louise: It's an Honor to meet you, sir.

Andrew: It's also an honor to serve with your son.

Gen. Parker: Thank you, Soldier. I thank all of you. But for now, you are all on vacation as ive said and Matthew, Who is your Second in Command?

Matthew thinks for a Second.

Matthew: Yuri. I choose Yuri.

Yuri: Matthew, why me?

Matthew: I choose you because you have the capability of taking the lead. Of all the Soldiers i know, you performed very well and since you are the son of the Russian General, I choose you.

Yuri: Spasiba, My Friend. It will be an honor.

Matthew: Very well.

Yuri: What about Captain Macmillan?

Matthew: Good Question.

Louise: Actually we are going to Investigate him on the orders of our New Lieutenant.

Andrew: Yes, We are going to Conduct Interviews and Investigate everything from top to bottom.

Yuri: I want to join. 

Matthew: Sure, You can join with Louise and Andrew on that one. I heard you studied in College and you want to teach.

Yuri: Yes, I studied History and i want to Teach History but i joined the US Army because i have to follow the Tradition of my Family of Joining the Military.

Matthew: And you did. Now that you are my Second in Command, You have to show everyone what you are capable of.

Gen. Parker: That's Right. Since you guys planning to Investigate Captain Macmillan, I will give you access to the files and i will ask the Military Court to provide Documents on the Case.

Matthew: Thanks Dad. 

Gen. Parker: You're welcome, Son. I know you guys want to know more about Captain Macmillan and i know that you may try to help him and I appreciate it. Do whatever you can to help him.

Yuri: Yes General Parker. We wont let you down.

Matthew: Yes Dad. We wont let you down. We will do whatever we can to save him. But i have one question, Dad.

Gen. Parker: What is it, Matthew?

Matthew: What happens if i end up like him, What will you do?

General Parker thinks for a second.

Gen. Parker: I will do everything i can to save you. I will do whatever i can to take care of you even if you turned dark. I will not stop helping you and I will not stop protecting you. I will do it because you are my son.

Yuri: I agree with the General.

William: Same to me.

James: Me too.

Louise: Same.

Andrew: We are with you, Matthew.

Matthew: Thank you. All of you.

They all make a toast and drink once more. General Parker along with Matthew and his Squad Leaders continued their celebration throughout the night.

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