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"I truly don't understand why it's a problem that I am taking notes sir" Oh my gosh if Mr summers don't get off my ass I will go insane

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"I truly don't understand why it's a problem that I am taking notes sir" Oh my gosh if Mr summers don't get off my ass I will go insane.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes and continues with his lesson, finally.

I was minding my own business taking notes and he came up to me with "You are distracting student learning, I will not tolerate that in my class" he's such an ass.

I only have 15 minutes left until I get to go eat lunch.

I need a good burger with fries right about now.

I take a few more notes on the lecture then once it's time to go I grab my bag and start to walk out of the lecture hall.

I glance around and see Warren who also looks at me at the same time.

He gives me a small smile and wave.

A small smile creeps its way onto my face and I raise my hand a little and wave back then turn back around and walk out the door down to the cafeteria.

The lines aren't too bad today.

Most people go off campus to eat but I don't see a need to spend extra money when I can get a meal plan here at school with my scholarship.

And the food is not half bad, I spot Dayton at the end of the burger line and go get in line with him.

Dayton and I have been close friends for a while. Not long after I met Maeve, she introduced him to Naomi and me when we had a sleepover at her house.

That's when he started to grow his crush/ not crush on Naomi? He's been with other girls since meeting her but whenever he's single he always flirts with her.

That's part of the reason why she does not respond because she doesn't put up with that.

Dayton is like a big brother to me and I love him like a brother, I would do pretty much anything for him.

"Hey Johnson," Dayton says as he sees me. "Hey Jones," I said back to him.

"You wanna sit with us today? I think Maeve went out with Willow and Naomi is talking with some dude from the hockey team." Dayton says the last part with a scowl on his face.

Willow is Maeve's best friend, we've hung out a few times but not many.

"I guess," I say sarcastically. He gives me a light shove and I shove him back as we make our way down the lunch line.

I grab a burger and fries with a Dr. pepper.

Dr. Pepper is single-handedly the best soda to be created.

Yes, I say soda, deal with it.

I follow Dayton back to the lunch table where the boys usually sit.

I pull out the chair to sit down which happens to be across from Warren.

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