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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

"Give that back to me you little shit" I launched myself at Oliver to retrieve my phone.

"Mom!" Oliver yells. "Dayton said a potty word!" I'm convinced this kid is asking me to strangle him.

"Dayton! What did we say about using potty words?" Mrs. Fisher asks me with a scowl.

"Do not say them" I respond in a sing song voice.

"That's right. Now Oliver gives Dayton his phone back honey, so we can get going."

"He was texting his girlfriend though Mom" He whines. That little dick.

He rolls his eyes as I hold my hand out raising an eyebrow at him. He drops the phone in my hand and I give him a small wave wiggling my fingers as he walks out the door behind his mom.

Naomi and I may or may have not been exchanging a few texts  over the past few weeks. Nothing crazy, just casual talk.

And we might have hung out once or twice. It was just studying for school though.

Yes, school school-related. Yeah.

I like her. She's just. Words can't even describe her.

We had a fallout after she walked in on a situation and left before I could explain it to her.

We were not officially dating at the time but I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend soon.

Then Amanda had to ruin it all.

Fucking Amanda.

I was minding my business in my room and she walks in after Tyler left as they were hooking up at the time and started to take her fucking clothes off.

And I was shirtless because well, it's my room.

I have never been so confused in my whole life.

For one I've never even spoken to her before and secondly, she was just fucking Tyler!

Anyway, Naomi walked in at the wrong time as Amanda was climbing into my bed just before I was about to tell her to fuck off.

After that, Naomi has pretty much hated my guts but slowly she's been easing back up to me.

I'm not sure when I should tell her about the whole situation.

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