Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four; Positions

Laniyah is in her backyard with Joe and her in-laws. Their kids run around in the large yard. Her father-in-law, Sika turns some of the meats around on the grill and closes the cover.

"Are you guys officially done having kids?" Her mother-in-law, Patricia asked her.

Laniyah sighs.

"I think so," Laniyah answered as Joe chuckles.

"What? Do you want more kids?" Laniyah asked Joe.

He shoots her a look.

"Still thinking about it," Joe replied.

Laniyah groaned.

"Let the poor girl rest, Joe," Sika said as he walks over to the outdoor dining area where Joe, Laniyah, and Patricia are sitting at. "Ten more minutes then I'm taking the meats off the grill," Sika told them.

Patricia shakes her head.

"I'm kidding, it's up to God if we have any more kids, I know Laniyah is probably over being pregnant," Joe said.

"I love our kids but I'm done having kids," Laniyah said.

"Are you sure?" Patricia asked.

"One hundred percent sure," Laniyah answered.

"Good, 'cause I can't handle all these grandchildren, I don't even know half of their names anymore," Sika said causing everyone to laugh.

"Better put name tags on them when they come to visit you," Patricia said.

Laniyah and Joe exchange a look and chuckle at the thought of Sika putting name tags on his grandchildren.

After ten minutes Sika goes over to the grill and Joe calls the kids over as Sika takes the meat off of the grill and brings it back over to the table. Once the kids are seated. The family begins eating.

"So, London tells me she's throwing a party for Sonita on Saturday. Will you guys be there?" Patricia asked as she covers her mouth as she chews.

"Of course, we will," Joe answered.

"What's this I heard about you and London fighting Ashley the other day?" Sika asked Laniyah.

"She came to start trouble with me, and we handled it," Laniyah answered not wanting to get into it about Ashley in front of her children.

Patricia shakes her head and clicks her tongue.

"Does this have to do with Galina? You guys need to move on and let it go or else you're going to spend the rest of your lives fighting," Patricia said.

Laniyah takes a sip of her drink and glances at Joe, Joe returns her glance and looks at his mother.

"We are trying to handle it like adults but Galina isn't making it easy for us, and we can discuss this another time," Joe tells his mother.

"Fine but I just want my family to be at peace for once, that's all," Patricia said.

Laniyah sighs and holds up the empty tray on the table.

"I'm going to get some more honey rolls," Laniyah said as she walks off to go inside.

Joe looks at his mom.

"Are you trying to subtly blame Laniyah for this family not being at peace?" Joe asked his mother.

Patricia and Sika look at one another and make a face.

"Oh no, I'm not. I'm sorry if my words came out wrong but I'm just saying if she wasn't so quick to retaliate every time Galina does something then the problem would go away that's all," Patricia said.

"Son, Laniyah does need to control her anger," Sika said.

Joe frowns.

"You guys don't even know half of what Laniyah has been dealing with since I came back into her life, okay? She has the right to react however she chooses to do so," Joe told his parents.

"What has she dealt with that we don't know about Joe?" Patricia asked Joe.

Joe looks at his kids.

"Guys, go eat in the dining room," Joe told his children.

The kids get up and walk inside. Joe looks to make sure that they aren't near the door before speaking.

"Okay, you want to know why Galina triggers Laniyah so badly — Galina bullied Laniyah in college then a last year when that fake page popped up, it posted Laniyah's phone number and she got death threats which caused her to miscarry at four months... we've had two miscarriages because of this drama with Galina. That's why she was so scared when she found she was pregnant with the triplets, she couldn't handle losing more babies. Galina has been a thorn in Laniyah's side for years and she tried being the bigger but she's tired so next time just please think would you be able to turn the other cheek against someone who has been attacking you for years," Joe told his parents.

Patricia shakes her head no.

"I didn't know about the miscarriages... I thought Galina was a sweet girl, who knew she could be so nasty," Patricia said.

"The ones who always try so hard are usually the ones with hidden intentions or can be evil as hell," Sika said.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Laniyah receives a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" Laniyah answers the call.

"Laniyah," The person says.

Laniyah rolls her eyes immediately knowing who it is and ready to hang up the phone.

"Don't hang up, I just want to say something?" Galina says.

"What do you want?" Laniyah asked.

"I heard about your fight with Ashley and I just want to say that I had nothing to do with it," Galina answered.

Laniyah snorted.

"Yeah okay," Laniyah said.

"No I'm serious, honestly I told her not to go over there and start with you. This court case with Joe has put things in perspective for me and I'm over the drama," Galina said.

"Girl, pigs will fly before I believe a word out of your mouth," Laniyah said before ending the call.

A text message pops up from Galina and it's a bunch of screenshots between her and Ashley.

"The devil is a lie," Laniyah says as she looks over the messages. "I'm going to kill this bitch," She mutters as she forwards the thread to her lawyer.

Joelle walks into the kitchen.

"Are you going to kill someone for real, mom?" Joelle asked Laniyah.

"Oh no, I'm too pretty for prison but I will make them pay," Laniyah replied.

[A|N: Be sure to check out Lanmou Mechan]

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