chapter 1: the world hates me

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My eyes fluttered open to a pitch black space. I couldn't see anything. 'Is this the afterlife?'. I couldn't help but think this was a bit odd, it felt way too familiar.

My body was sore, cramped up in a small space and laying on what felt like a scratchy blanket and deflated pillow. Suspicious. It felt familiar, way too familiar. I don't like this, it reminded me of bad things.

'It can't, I'm dead, I won't believe it. I'm just having those crazy thoughts that the Hogwarts therapist quit their job because of fear from'. I nodded my head, silently agreeing with myself.

It was really cramped, my body was aching as if it had been in this spot for way too long. I thought that you couldn't feel pain after you died. Guess I was wrong. I reached my arm up with the full intention of stretching the unpleasant feeling in that appendage away, only to hit something.

It felt like a small string with a bead at the end. I made a impulsive decision and wrapped my hand around it, giving it a light tug.

Like Jesus himself had come down from the heavens just to smite me into blindness, a bright light turned on right above my head, making me smash my eyes shut again. Letting out a string of muttered cOlOrFul language, I allowed myself to slowly adjust to the light, i opened my eyes again fully.

Looking at the small room, I recognized it immediatly. A small space I knew all too well. The cubbard under the stairs.

I'm sitting in the same hellhole I stayed in for eleven years. The same uncomfortable space that for eleven years, I called my room.

I stared blankly at the wall of the room. There was no way. I cant't be back. Nope! I might be crazy, but even i wont believe this. I'm going to wake up any second and I will be surrounded by my friends and family in the afterlife. Or maybe it would just be darkness, I don't mind either way.

A banging came from above me and dust was flying down from the ceiling. My chubby cousin was running up and down the stairs to wake me up, as he used to do almost everyday until I left for Hogwarts. "WAKE UP POTTAH!!" I could hear the dwarfed Eugene looking kid yell.

Quite frankly, this, along with chasing after me, or as Dudley and his friends call it 'Harry hunting', was the only exercise that the stumpy kid got.

I'm confused how he can even manage to run after me or go up and down the stairs, he can't even walk across a mall without being out of breath. It was honestly astonishing.

A banging noise came from the cubbard door next to me "GET UP, BOY!" *bang* *bang* followed by the clacking sound of the lock being undone and footsteps walking away.

I can't believe it. 'I'm really back'. A quite, psychotic chuckle left my mouth as a huge grin planted itself on my face. I could change everything. And that's exactly what I plan to do.

A/N: woohoo! First chapter is done! Did you enjoy it? I enjoyed making it, thats for sure. Got any tips for writing that you want to share or any critique for me?

Also, I'm absolutely terrible at writing in 1st POV and was struggling to not write in 3rd POV the entire time. I actually had to go back and fix a lot of places where I messed up the POV. So I'm gonna have to say that the rest of the story will be mostly written in 3rd POV.

Fun fact: Spider Lillie's, also know as the corpse Lilly, were given the meaning of death or a last goodbye because they were put on top of graves in order to keep animals away, as they are mildly poisonous to eat and will cause iratation and a rash if touched with bare hands.

Q/n: what is your favorite flower? Mine, as you can probably guess, is the red spider Lilly.

Your dear weirdo simp~

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