Chapter 6: Harrys new digs.

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Harry was honestly surprised that the bus driver hadn't even looked at him weird when he was a midget kid that got on the bus alone three times in the same day, the last time with a suitcase.

The old man was either a nutcase himself, or just saw a whole lot of shit during his years.

Harry had taken the same seat as he had the last two times, it was like no one else liked to sit in that seat. When he got to his stop, he went to pay the driver, but the old man just gave him a smile and pushed the money back into his hand.

"I like him, Harry" Athena hissed quietly. Harry had to use his magic again to hide his new familars. He was really young and his body hadn't used magic at this age, so it was exhausting. Don't get it wrong though, he was always exhausted. He had to learn to work in harsh conditions with no sleep at all, so exhaustion was something the insomniac was quite used to.

Harry gave a grateful thanks to the driver and got off the bus quickly. He was now in the middle of practically nowhere, well a version of nowhere at least. When at Hogwarts, Harry had access to the library, and like the bookwork with a tendacy to get bored that he was, he spent quite some time there.

In one book that he read, it mentioned magical portals that were placed around the country. This place that was abandoned by muggles, just so happened to be one of them, leading to a spot in the magical world that wasn't popular in the slightest, only being used to travel quicker to other places.

He activated and walked through the portal, landing In a place that was, once again, in the middle of nowhere, except closer to his location.

When Harry finally reached the mansion, It was getting dark, and he walked inside with the intention of collapsing and disassociating until it was morning.
What Harry wasn't expecting, however, was a house elf to pop up out of nowhere with a fencing sword and a look of suspicion.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The thin elf demanded.

"My apologies, I wasn't aware there were house elf's here. I'm Lord Harry Potter Peverell. Nice to meet you" Harry said, unaffected by the sharp object held threateningly towards his genetalia.

The house elf had a look of realization as her eyes widened and she lowered the fencing poker. "M-my apologies, my lord! Kairi wasn't aware that there were any Peverell left!" Kairi said with a look of fear.

"Its quite alright Kairi. I'm glad to see you have been taking care of the property while I wasn't here. That being said, I will be living here from today onward. I look forward to working with you"  Harry said warmly.

Kairi's round eyes had a look of curiosity as she nodded enthusiastically and took his suitcase to the lords bedroom, only dissapearing for a second before appearing again in front of him.
She didn't even bat an eye when Harry let Hedwig fly around the mansion.

"Sir, Kairi would like to ask if you will be having dinner in the dining room tonight" she said questioningly. "Actually, if it isn't a bother, I would like to eat with you and the other house elf's from now on" Harry said.

Kairi looked surprised, no one had ever wanted to eat with them before "that would be delightful sir!" she cheered happily, showing him to the kitchen where there were other house elf's moving around, all of which stopped when they saw the two of them. Kairi explained the situations and all of the elf's looked delighted.

They happily started to make dinner for all of them and two of them went to the lords room to prepare it for him.

When dinner was finished, they all sat in the large room, laughing and having lighthearted conversation as they ate. Athena and Hedwig were sitting on the counter eating as well. Athena was eating her food more desperately than everyone else and it made them chuckle when she put her head up to have her entire head covered in leftover food.

Harry smirked as he got a washcloth to get it all off her face. This was the happiest night he had had in a while. He was hoping that all nights afterwards would be just as enjoyable.

A/N: a new character? *gasp*

Fun fact: I'm running out of fun facts.

Q/N: who is your favorite Wattpad author? Mine is Chimera_Regarion  ヽ(^。^)丿

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