Chapter 24: kid, please..

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It was the next morning and Harry still hadn't managed to sleep, so he flipped out of bed and took a shower, running his hands down his sore body.

His body started to get itchy at the thought of germs, so he poured some Clorox on himself, smiling at the way it burned and sighing on annoyance when Hades healed him with a grumble.

He hopped out of the shower and got dressed in a fluffy and soft hoodie and some sweatpants since it was 3 AM and school didn't start until way later.

With a sigh he picked up Athena again (usually she showers with him, but he didn't want to burn her with the Clorox so he put her down)

He walked out of his room without making a sound, standing in front of Snape's door like a little gremlin and knocking.

The door opened and Snape sighed with a groan when he saw Harry, stepping aside to let him in. Harry nodded dramatically and made himself at home, getting himself a coffee.

"For someone who basically just met me you sure are comfortable in my dorm"

Harry froze for a moment his face going a bit downcast. "I know, I'm sorry. I guess I was just a bit excited that someone lets me into their home without hesitation because that hasn't happened often before. It won't happen again..I'm sorry." He mentally cursed himself out when shivers started going through his body.

Athena unwrapped herself from his neck, rubbing her cheek against his to check if he was okay. Harry jumped when Snape placed his hand on his shoulder, his body shuddering at the contact as a trauma response. Harry threw on a grin again, backing up and laughing nervously.

Snape noticed the jump and frowned slightly in worry. 'Does he think I'm upset at him?'

"Harry, it's fine. I'm not upset, just making an observation. Are you ok? You're acting differently than usual."

"I'm fine. Sorry, I have weird reflexes and they tend to act up more when I go long periods of time without sleep."

Snape's eyes narrowed, he may have been an insomniac but he at least managed to get an hour of sleep last night from exhaustion. "How long has it been since you slept?"

Harry chuckled weirdly. "Like two week, why?"

Snape's eyes widened ever so slightly. "You're kidding right?"

Harry stared at him with the same eerie smile. "Nope! Still not as bad as I've had before."

"How are you not insane yet?"

"You think I'm not?" Harry's eyes widened in awe.

Snape deadpanned. It took more effort than usual to keep a stoic face.

"You need sleep"

"I can't"

"Why not?" Snape watched him closely.

"My body won't allow me to. My brain screams that I could get hurt and shoots out adrenaline until I physically can't stay still for too long. At some point my body gives in and I'll pass out for a good 13 hours. Even then I get constant nightmares so I avoid it at all costs. That's how my sleep schedule works."

Harry stares at Snape, his smile still creepy except his eyes are more dead than before. Even though what he said was mostly true, the passing out part was only half true. He would either pass out with nightmares or his body would physically die from exhaustion to give him a reset.

Snape's freezes. He never thought he would find an insomniac worse than him, but getting so bad that he has to pass out just to get rest? That's a serious problem.

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