Chapter 20: Wow, my life is a actual shithole :0

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lunch and herbology had both been pretty normal for Harry, with more pairs of eyes then Harry had stabbed out in his life staring at him all at once, and a shit ton on preteens simping for him while giggling and 'whispering' to each other while looking at him. What those angsty pre-pubescents didn't know, was that Harry heard every word.

Every. Single. Cringeworthy. Patronizing. Creepy. Gross. Word.

The ceiling was starting to get offended by the done-with-life glares it received from toxic green eyes.

Harry walked through the halls alone, using his enhanced hearing to avoid social interaction at all costs for this small amount of time. Hell, if he had to, he wouldn't hesitate to use the secret tunnels and passageways that spun all around Hogwarts. He easily memorized the layout of the tunnels as soon as he found out they existed years ago. He had used them so often that they became like a second home for him; a break from all of the eyes even for a moment.

His next class was DADA and Harry swore on his nail polish, coffee, and banana milkshakes that he was more then excited for this class. He was practically vibrating at the thought of it. He knew exactly what was coming, and he couldn't welcome it more then he already was.

Hades sat on his striped couch, a gallon of coffee sitting in between his legs as he watched a mist like fog move in colors and images in front of him, showing Harry as he walked down the hall. He had a light yellow and white checkered blanket wrapped around his body and head, only leaving his front half and face visible. He had yellow and pink clips holding his bangs back for a better view, and he had his earrings and all jewelry off and set on the table next to him. he was wearing nothing but his boxers and a soft, oversized grey T-shirt.

Earlier, he had one of his assistants take over his job for a while so that he could watch and support his dear friend when he meets such a significant person again after so long. Not only was he here for Harry's sake, but he would also be lying if he said he wasn't on the edge of his seat waiting for the interaction and events yet to come.

Most people assume that the god of death would be sadistic, cruel, unlikable, awful, and cold-hearted without anyone he cares for, but in reality, Hades was a being with the same feelings as everyone. He was a person all the same. He grew attached to people he liked, and he was disgusted by people he didn't.

Sure, he was a bit sadistic, but who isn't really? Hades had cared for every master he has ever had, he considers them the family that his godly ability's never gave him. Every time he chose a new master, he would be so happy and excited. But in the end, they were all terrified of him, hated him, were disgusted by him for who he was, and that was more then a huge disappointment. It got frustrating at some point.

And then, there was Harry. His only master who had ever wanted to die even before he became 'master of death', the only one to truly understand and appreciate the beauty of death. Harry wasn't disgusted, he didn't hate him, he wasn't even scared in the slightest of him. Harry appreciated his company and enjoyed his personality. He was kind to him and treated him like family all the same as Hades treated him.

As a great Deity, Hades could only admit, the boy was different from all of his predecessors, much different. And he couldn't show his support and appreciation to him enough.

So if you sit there and question: would the god of death, Hades, sit in his underwear, wrapped in a blanket, drinking a gallon of black coffee, with all his jewelry off and his hair clipped back, just to watch Harry and support him?

Yes. Yes he would.

Harry subconsciously cracked his fingers and neck as he stared at the old door. He sighed before throwing away any exhibitions and walked through the door.

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