Chapter 7

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I stand in front of the mirror, panting hard as I stare at myself.

I don't know why I'm acting like a jealous girlfriend. I'm not jealous, and I'm certainly not Rosé's fucking girlfriend. We just slept together, and sex has never meant and will never mean dating to me. It's just a meaningless act and I like sex. It's like a hobby to me, like exercise but I enjoy it more.

Hell, I don't know one person who doesn't like having sex and I've never had sex with someone and developed feelings for them because of it. Either I've just had sex with girls with no feelings and preferably, no eye contact, or I've been dating girls and had feelings for them previously. But I've never developed feelings because of sex. That's just ridiculous.

And it's definitely not the case here.

My thoughts are swiftly interrupted as someone comes through the bathroom door, and I stand up, lift my chin and take a deep breath because I don't want to be all angry and jealous and crap if someone is in here peeing; so I go to leave. But as I stare at myself in the mirror, my eyes find Rosé leaning against the wall behind me, her eyes narrowed as they meet mine through the mirror, her arms folded over her chest and lips pinched up at the side.

She doesn't look angry, nor does she look upset, she just looks... confused, and I gulp because yeah, I'm with her on that one.

And I don't know what to say. I don't know how to explain why I just snapped at her and so I drop my eyes and slowly turn around, tilting my head to the side. I don't say anything, and she doesn't say anything either, and we end up just standing and staring into each others eyes like I'm having a conversation with them. And even though I'm not speaking, and even though she's silent, I can tell she's asking me a million questions.

The strangest thing is, is that she isn't angry for what I'm hiding something - whatever that may be. She looks like she understands my confusion because she feels it herself and my anger disappears, turning into an odd warmth in the center of my chest. I don't know how she can do this with me; how one moment I'm pissed at her and the next, I'm fighting a smile just because she understands me. I kind of really fucking hate it.

(Except I don't.)

I breathe hard, wondering whether I should say anything but then her expression changes and she lifts her head, and the next thing I know, she's coming toward me and I inhale deeply as she grabs both my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. I moan against her lips, my hands shooting to her hips and my mind completely blanks of any thoughts beside the one of how good her body feels pressed up against mine.

Her tongue dips into my mouth and my hips press forward, heat spreading across my skin as arousal curdles within. I know I want her, and her hands slide into my hair, tightening against the roots and I know she wants me, too. I don't know why either of us tried to fight it, and even though there's a large possibility of an awkward encounter after this happens, neither of us care. I just want her, and she wants me back.

So with the grip I have on her hips, I walk her backwards and into a toilet stall. It's not the classiest of places but I just need her, and I need her now. I can already feel myself aching as I press against the tight confinement briefs beneath my skin-tight jeans, but I don't care. I'm too entranced by the way her tongue strokes against mine and how it feels to have her kissing me again, to have her body against mine and to have that heated want surge between us.

It's incredible, and I never knew I could have such amazing chemistry with someone. It's just sizzling in the air, electric beneath my palms and hot to the touch.

It's undeniable.

Rosé breaks the kiss, panting hard against my mouth as our foreheads come together and I open my eyes to find deep brown staring straight back. She looks so hot, and my hands slide down and around to her ass, flexing against the fabric. Her eyes flutter at the movement and I bite my lip, an animalistic need burning with me as her hands drop from my hair and make a path down my chest, fingers bumping against the button of my jeans. I suck in a shaky breath, my heart loud beating hard and heavy against my ribcage but this time, I'm not nervous. I have no need to be.

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