Chapter 15

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When the sun begins setting, I decide that I want Rosé to see this because, besides her, it's the most beautiful thing that'll happen to this beach.

So I tug her off the promenade, leading her wordlessly down to the water and I urge her to sit down, lowering her by her hand until she's sitting comfortably, her knees bent and feet planted against the sand, her arms wrapped around her shins. I crouch to sit beside her, aiming to press our sides together to keep warm but then I hesitate mid-movement, watching the way she hugs her legs closer and how small goosebumps form over her skin and I realize she's cold. She is only wearing a tank top and a skirt, so that's not really surprising, but still.

"Are you cold?"

She twists her head, only revealing her profile. "A little," she shrugs. "But it's no biggy."

I frown because I hate it when Rosé downplays things; like the time she downplayed how ill she was feeling at work and ended up passing out and knocking her head on the corner of the coffee maker. I had to take her to the ER and she had to have four stitches.

"Rosie," I sigh and this time she looks at me. But I don't really know why I said her name so I do the only thing I can think of and step behind her, crouching down and shifting to kick my legs out either side of her body, my butt scooting forward on the sand until my chest is pressed against her back and my arms find a place looped around her waist. And for Rosé's part, she doesn't even still or freeze; just instinctively settles back into me, resting part of her weight on me and stroking the tips of her fingers over the backs of my hands.

It's comforting in a way I didn't think it could be, and I smile to myself, hiding it, like I need to because I know it means something, by burying my face into her hair and inhaling the sweetness of her fruity shampoo. I feel her shudder a little, the way she tilts her head to the side and I shift my own head, chin resting on her shoulder as my eyes go off to the orange glow of the sun setting.

"It's really beautiful here," Rosé whispers after a moment, inhaling deeply.

My eyes slide to the left, roaming over the side of her face. "Yeah," I breathe in agreement. "It is beautiful."

The corners of Rosé's lips curve up into the softest of smiles and I settle down against her one more. "I know I've already said this," she starts again. "But your family really are..." she swallows thickly. "They really are amazing."

I smile and nod, because yeah, I may have some annoying relatives—no names mentioned, Theo, Oliver and Daniel—but I wouldn't change them for the world. I love my family, every single one of them; including my grandpa who lets out gas at the worst times and just sits there smiling smugly. It's one of the best things, I think. We're all just so comfortable with each other and I may not see everyone as much as I want to, but when we're together, I just pick off where I left off. Sure, I get bored, too, but that doesn't mean I don't love them.

Thought it's as those thoughts go through my mind that I realize that Rosé's gone completely silent and she's staring off into the sunset, the glow illuminating her face and making her look like a freaking angel, but there's a glaze in her eyes like she's deep in thought, and a solemn expression on her face. And considering I rarely ever seen Rosé with anything but a smile on her face or laughter in her eyes, I begin worrying.

"Rosie," I stop and suck in my lips, wondering how to ask her what's wrong without her shutting down. Rosé's usually an open book, but when she's like this, she tends to keep herself to herself. "Not that I don't love that you love my family... but why do you?"

The second the last word leaves my lips, Rosé ducks her head, her chin resting against her chest and her fingertips stopping their movement on my hands. For a second, I freeze, frightened that I've scared her off but then she takes in a deep breath, keeps her eyes dropped to the sand—even though I'm sure she's not actually staring at the sand, just staring as her thoughts process—and her arms wrap over her body over mine. I just swallow, awaiting the answer.

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