Chapter 14

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When my mom gets the photo albums out after lunch, I almost die of embarrassment. The rest of my family go on a walk to the beach, but Rosé and I said we'd stay to help clear up and we finished a lot faster than we thought so here we are.

My mom's sitting beside Rosé on the sofa, flicking through the pages and holding up the book when an incredibly embarrassing one comes up to bring more attention to it and as I'm sitting beside Rosé, I just bury my face into her shoulder and groan because I'm so embarrassed. I can't even ask my mom to stop because I know this isn't the most humiliating photo album and if I mention putting it away, I'm running the risk of my mom getting the others out.

"And here she is in the bath..." My mom points to a small picture of me in the top corner of the album.

A two-year old version of me is sitting with the water up to my waist, bubbles all over my body and a small little curl flicked up at the front of my head as I shoot a toothless grin toward the camera. I let out a loud groan again, and Rosé just giggles as she traces the pad of her finger over the photo, taking in it.

"Lisa, you look so cute," she comments and I press my forehead against her shoulder, shaking my head.

"No, I don't," I muffle into her skin. "It's embarrassing."

Rosé just giggles and I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, making me blush as my mom flicks through more photos revealing my first day of elementary school and my first day of high school.

I'm wearing the most atrocious outfit in the second one, with high socks, a big green baggy jumper and yellow shorts finishing above the knee, and I really want to ask my mom why the hell she'd let me wear that to my first day at high school; but then I suppose when that douchebag, Trent, mocked my outfit ten minutes into my first day, I punched him straight in the nose and earned my fearsome reputation, it wasn't too bad. I earned my fearsome reputation that day.

Plus, I never wore an outfit like that again.

"And here she is at seven years old," My mom continues and holds the album up to Rosé to reveal an entire page full of me in various superhero outfits. I begin laughing, because I'd totally forgotten about that time of my life, but when I see the bottom right hand corner picture, the laughter quickly disappears because I know my mom isn't going to pass up this opportunity to embarrass me further.

"And this is when we got Marco to make a hole in the pipe outside the house," my mom starts, her finger tapping the picture of me standing by a leaking pipe outside my old house in Seattle, pointing at it with a grin. "Because Lisa was so upset that she didn't have superpowers that we thought we could pretend like she did."

Rosé begins giggling and for what feels like the millionth time, I blush and duck my chin to my head. "You could've at least set a fire or something," I mumble. "Creating holes in water pipes isn't exactly a superpower."

"It was a superpower none-the-less," my mother defends and waves her hand. "And clearly you were happy with it so I see no problem."

Rosé bumps my shoulders together lightly, and I pick my head up to look her in the eye, the bright brown making something in my chest flutter. "Don't worry," she whispers and scrunches up her nose at me adorably. "I think it's cute."

I'm so embarrassed, but instead of hiding it this time I just let her see the blush that covers my cheeks. I'm not even sure if she can really see it as ethnic people don't blush, but damn, I don't even care. In fact, now she's said that, I've got this warm tingling feeling thrumming through my body and there's a tug in the center of my chest that makes me want to do something; so I do. Beneath the photo album now resting on Rosé's lap, I slide my hand between mine and hers thighs and grip at her hand, my fingers fumbling around until I can finally slide my fingers through hers.

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