Chapter 8

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We have shifts at work together and we don't talk about the night at the club again.

It's not in the awkward not talking way that it was after the first time we had sex, it's just I'm not talking about it because I don't know what it means and Rosé has brought it up. I'm not going to if she isn't because I don't know what it means, and I'm assuming that she doesn't either considering we two haven't talked about it.

But we're still getting along, and I still steal shy glances at her when I think she's not looking and still smile at the memory of taking Rosé up against the side of a toilet stall in a nightclub, although that does make we two look super trashy, but I smile because it was just... the sex was hot and intense, but the aftermath of it was... sweet. That's the only way I can think of to describe it.

We didn't exactly talked much but we kissed and laughed together at how exhausted we both were after our incredible orgasms. We were both sad that we had to leave and it was clear that neither of us wanted to, and just wanted to stay together. We were comfortable and it wasn't awkward and even though I was totally unfair and asked Rosé not to go back to her date after what happened, she kissed me and told me she wouldn't.

Even now, I'm not sure what that meant, but I know that she was willing to do it and I wanted her to do it, so that's something.

Anyway, we act like there was never any awkwardness between us at all and it's great. I feel like I can breathe easy and I get these tiny little flutterings in my stomach whenever Rosé meets my eye and also Jisoo isn't bugging me about how weird Rosé and I are acting anymore because we're not. It's just like it was, before we had sex, except we two have totally had sex. Twice. And both times were amazing. It's like our friendship was never damaged, despite the fact that I've memorized what it feels like to move inside her and know exactly what color her eyes go when she's aroused or close to an orgasm. And it's brilliant.

It's exactly what I wanted, but with the bonuses of the sex.

Although we haven't had sex since the club, and we haven't even talked about future plans of having sex again so I'm not quite sure where this leads us. Maybe we just needed to get it out your system, who knows, maybe it had been a long time coming and those two times did exactly that; so it means that we can go back to being best friends.

(Even if I'd really fucking like to sleep with her again.)

(And not just because it's sex, but because it's sex with Rosé.)


I blink, lifting my head and letting my eyes focus back on reality; which is Rosé and Jisoo sitting in my living room, Rosé with a smirk and Jisoo with a narrowed, quizzical expression.

"Huh?" I asked, a little dazed. I don't know how long I was out or what they were talking about.

Rosé smirks at me, and I feel blood rush to my face. Does she know I was thinking about her? "Jisoo was just saying how the old coffee shop crew were thinking about going out for dinner tonight," she elaborates for my sake and damn, I'm grateful. I have no doubt Jisoo would've asked why I was so distracted otherwise. "And if we wanted to go."


I'm still a little out of it, and whilst Rosé's smiling at me like I’m the most adorable thing in the world, Jisoo's eyes are narrowing further and I know she's getting really suspicious.

"Tonight," Rosé says, shifting in the arm-chair opposite me to tuck her legs beneath her. "We're going to Emerald Grill."

I nod, exhaling as I bring my cup of coffee to my lips, never breaking eye contact with her. "Sounds good. I'm game."

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