𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 10

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♪ In my bed, I'm a wreck
Yet I'm tryin' forget the echo ♪ 

Carlos Sainz POV

I heard everything he said to her, I was still thinking about it. He was going to blackmail her with that video but what I am really thinking about is: What is he blackmailing her with already? Are there more videos? Was it going on before? She kind of suggested that at the party. I just didn't want it to be true. Nothing could be worse than that video but he suggested something existed, obviously worse if I would fire her.

I barely slept thinking about it, I kept busy with work but my mind was running through that conversation the whole time. The next few days went on like that, I was going down in a spiral. I was doing what I did 5 years ago, putting all my pain and thoughts to work. I was hospitalized for exhaustion, dehydration, and anemia. It didn't work out well when everyone found out why I did it.

I called her to my office on Friday because I won't let this go into the weekend, everyone would know something is going on.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks when she walks in and I nod.

"Monday, in the parking lot. Do you mind telling me what is there for me to know?" I ask crossing my arms.

"What are you talking about? He was just being stupid" She says starting to turn around to leave.

"I heard everything. What is it for me to know?" I ask getting up from my chair and she looks at me. She was scared, but I know she is not afraid of me, she never was. 

"There is nothing for you to know. Don't go around asking, please. All that you would care about has already been said" She says as I got closer.

"I have a lot that I care about that hasn't been answered. Will you answer it?" I ask and she nods.

"I will"

"Have you cheated on me before of that video?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I wouldn't do that Carlos" She says and I found it ironic because... Well, she did it.

"Did you love me?"

"I did, I didn't lie about it. Jesus Christ" She says not believing what I just asked.

"Why did you cheat on me?"

"I don't have a reason. I'm sorry" She says and I nod.

"What are you hiding from me?"

"No. I can't answer that. I have to go" She says almost running to the door.

"Sofia. Don't go" I ask as she touched the knob.

"It's for the best Carlos. We shouldn't be talking, that is a bad idea." She says leaving and I punch the table in the living area of the office which clearly broke but I think my hand didn't, I think it's just sure. A plus for me.

She has been avoiding me for a few weeks now. She didn't answer any calls, she didn't show up to the meetings claiming she had interviews to perform or complaints to look over. I was leaving the office when I saw Ana coming in my direction.

"Can we have dinner together?" She asks in doubt of her own question.

"Of course, I would never say no to you. Did something happen? You seem sad" I say and she shrugs, following me to my car.

"We can talk about it at dinner" She says and I nod. I drive us to a restaurant we used to go to. We sit and order what we wanted. The food came and when we ate the casual talk ended and I decided to cut the chase.

"What is happening to you? You are always so cheerful" I ask and she takes a deep breath.

"I know what Sofia did sucks for you and for everyone. But she was my best friend, she was the person I trusted the most. She told me everything and I did the same with her. She never once told anyone what I told her. I don't feel the same with Blanca. I miss Sofia. I never thought she could do it, she never had those types of morals, she loved you. Now that I see her regularly I'm taking it pretty hard, I never came around here while you were away" She explains and I listened carefully.

"You two had a close bond, anyone could see it. I'm really sorry you had to go through it because I know everyone felt betrayed in some way, and you felt it as strongly as I did. I'm here for you if you need something. And I would like to tell you that you can go back to being friends with her, I wouldn't take it as a betrayal. If it was anything else I would've gone back to her in the same week but cheating is just something I couldn't forgive. She is really something else" I say calmly and she smiles.

"I can't understand how it happened. 2 days before your birthday she was talking about wedding plans and possible places for the honeymoon, how she had to wait to have kids because of your careers and she couldn't wait to have a family and then she didn't show up to your birthday and you got the video while we all waited. You packed everything and left. She disappeared for a month. When she came to get her things everyone was there and it was a shitshow. They yelled and Elena slapped her, told her she was disowned and how she couldn't believe she did that"

"I had to leave or I would forgive her. I love her so fucking much, it physically hurt me to see that video. I left the phone with it behind but it was always echoing through my mind. I didn't have closure so I came back and got into this messed up situation" I say and our food arrives. We thank the waiter and start eating.

"Maybe it's time to dig deeper. What is it between her and Miguel?" She asks interested and I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know. I know he has something against her, I heard him say it himself. I know he is aggressive with her but that is all" I say and I notice how she was also suspicious.

"What if he made her have sex with him and taped it? She would tell everyone right?" She asks intrigued by the new information.

"I guess that is a possibility but she didn't. What does he have against her for her to keep quiet for 5 years? Everyone turned against her, she didn't talk. She told me the video wasn't on my birthday and I think it was the day before, she was nowhere to be found that day. I thought she was buying me a gift but now I know better than to assume" I say shrugging.

"Look at us. Making excuses for her once again. Will I ever learn? I spent these 5 years thinking of every excuse in the book that made it reasonable. We can't save ourselves from her" Ana says frustrated and I nod.

"She should stay in the past. I can't be around her but if you can't let it go you should talk to her" I say while we prepared to leave the restaurant.

"No. You are my brother, I will stand by you" She says when we got to our cars and hugs me.

"I am fine, I don't need that. Do whatever you feel like doing. That won't break me" I say giving her a kiss on the head and entering my car.

She fucked it all up, and I can't forgive her for this betrayal. I am glad I left but I should've never come back here. She is my weak spot.

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