𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 26

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♪ You said, "Forever, " in the end I fought it
Please be honest, are we better for it? ♪

Sofia Morales POV

Carlos and I are something complicated to explain right now. We are not back together, but we do sleep together. He takes me out to dinner, a lot of times, he buys me roses, he makes sure I have food delivered to my office when he knows I haven't left the building to eat. He has been treating me like when we were together.

We made no mention of what we were, I don't think having the title back would please me. I am scared of being easily discarded like I was back then. But hearing him calling me his wife like that does something to me. Because I would've been his wife by now. Our family would be bigger, we would be happier. Now we are just getting payback for something that was done to me almost 6 years ago.

We just approached July, the month when, 6 years ago, we conceived the baby I lost 2 months later. Next month it will be 6 years since the day Carlos proposed, and we would be making 11 years together if nothing had happened. Everyone failed me and I was so afraid they would just disappoint me all over again.

"It's everything alright?" Juan asks me and I completely missed the moment he entered my office.

"Everything is just fine" I say giving him a smile.

"I am ready to go for the meeting with the big bosses" He says nervously and I nod.

A meeting with Carlos, his parents, and the board. I was not excited. There was not much that made me excited lately. I have been numb. I hate this time of the year, these 3 months are like the death of me. September is worse, much worse but this is just shitty too. I took my laptop and we went upstairs to the conference room which was bigger than where we have the meetings. The room was full, every chief and supervisor of every department of the headquarters were there.

Something big is coming and nobody told me shit. I also saw my parents and I leaned back and crossed my arms. I was more to the back rows so I don't think this has anything to do with me.

"Good afternoon everyone. We decided to make this announcement before making it public. We have a very deep and close relationship with the Morales distribution, even merging both companies 10 years ago. So we are today to announce that Ricardo Morales will be stepping down as CEO, he will be passing on his knowledge to his son, Edgar Morales, the current CFO of the company. We urge you to now acknowledge him as the new CEO as well as you did with my son" Carlos' dad says and everyone applauds.

I wondered why nobody told me, did they think I was going to be mad? I never wanted to be the CEO of the company, but I would've liked the warning, I think I should've known before everyone did. This just made my day shittier and now I am thinking about the way they excluded me from this. They haven't changed at all. My brother gave his motivational speech, and asked for support and patience during this change, my dad thanked everyone for everything and I just rolled my eyes.

As soon as it was done I stood up to leave but I guess I was the first and only person to do it as quickly so everyone's eyes darted to me. Juan signaled me to sit down and I do it pretty annoyed by now. This is a joke. A few more speeches for the board were made, and a little bit of bootlicking to look good was made by the board to my dad and I just wanted to call in sick and disappear for a few days.

It finally ended, I didn't get up as quickly and tried to merge with people, which didn't work because as soon as I was reaching the door I had Carlos there with his arms crossed. I was in no mood for this shit so I tried to dodge him.

"I have work to do so I would appreciate you get out of my way" I am aggressive and I recognize the tone as soon as he smirks.

"I don't think so" He was so nonchalant that it angered me more.

"Get the fuck out or I swear you will regret it. I am not playing games with you today Carlos" I warn him and I see how tense he got.

"Can we please discuss this?" He asks in a softer tone but I shake my head.

"It's a little bit too late for talks. I'm out, I'm done with you all" I say before brushing against his body and leaving the conference room.

I spent the afternoon in my office, someone knocked and I stopped what I was doing, I couldn't see who it was since they decided to be behind my door so I just sigh.

"Yes?" I answer and the person opens the door, showing me my dad on the other side. "I told Carlos I was done with this" I say indifferently as I redirect my attention to my computer screen and he nods as he sat down.

"I need to tell you something I should've told you when you came back. But firstly, I love you. You are my angel, you were my girl, I can't take this. I made your mom and brother promise me that they wouldn't tell you so it's my fault. I didn't want you to know, I thought you wouldn't care about me stepping down, but I should've told you" His eyes showed me regret but something more was behind it.

"You have 5 minutes" I say feeling myself softening as I see the sadness in his face.

"I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you and for leaving you when you needed me the most. I never wanted any of that. I am also sorry for the pain I might cause by what I'm about to tell you" He starts by saying and I felt even more nervous. What the fuck has happened?

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