𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 33

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♪ I don't wanna go, we've been here before
Everywhere I go leads me back to you ♪

Carlos Sainz POV

We got back to the yacht and everyone was too tired to do anything. She took a shower first, she got out in the towel and I went in after her, she dried her hair and came to bed. The next day we visited everything we wanted to because our dads had other plans besides Mallorca. So we left on Thursday, the yacht stayed in the marina, and we got on a flight to the Maldives, we ended up in Cocoa Island, I guess they wanted the next week and a half to be spent on the resort where they rented our rooms.

We were in the most luxurious villa on the island. There were a lot of rooms, no need to share and I was honestly saddened by it. I like sleeping with Sofia, I know she is safe when she is with me. We had just arrived and only Sofia and Ana were upstairs while we saw where and how to order our food. Suddenly I hear Ana screaming for me.

"CARLOS!" She screams once again and shows up from the top of the stairs, she almost fell down from how quickly she rand down those stairs.

"What?" I ask concerned and she points upstairs.

"I think Sofia is not okay. I hear something being thrown, I went into her room because she was the only person there but it was locked, I asked what was happening but she just sobbed and asked me to leave" She says but before she could continue I run back upstairs.

"Mi vida, I need to know you are alright. Please. Ana heard something breaking. Are you hurt?" I ask in complete desperation.

"It was an accident, I am all right. I wasn't close to it. Please, just let me be. I will get out when I want to" She was indeed crying, her sobs cut some of her words and I was worried sick.

"Okay baby. Just- Let me know if you need something. Can I leave your food here or will you come down to eat?" I ask as I felt the nerves taking over me.

"I don't know" She answers in a more low tone and I nod.

"She said she is not hurt, she wants some time for herself, I am not forcing her to open the door" I say once I get downstairs and everyone stopped to look at me.

"Do you think Miguel might've done anything? Maybe called her and made her mad" Her dad asks and I shrug.

"I will find out when she is ready to tell me. I won't let it go through the night though, that is my limit" I say decisively and they nod.

She didn't come down to eat so I prepared her a plate and knocked on the door as everyone was outside making sure they didn't snoop unintentionally.

"I need to get in, it's been too long and I am panicking. Everyone is mi amor" I say when I hear movement but no answer. The door opens and she looked okay, no cut on her from whatever had fallen down.

"I'm sorry, crying makes me sleepy so I fell asleep. Why is everyone outside?" She asks as we heard them talking outside, very loudly.

"They don't want to be downstairs and unintentionally hear us so they went outside. What happened?" I ask as I touch her cheek, she had been crying, her eyes were swollen from crying and she looked so scared, fragile and panicky that it broke my heart.

"Can we not talk about it for now? Can you give me time to think about what happened and process it? Maybe tomorrow I will tell you" She asks fearfully and I nod.

"Come eat something, please" I practically beg her and she nods.

We got downstairs and she ate in silence, everyone looked back and I told them to turn around, they seem worried but they complied.

"Just tell that it wasn't Miguel and that nobody threatened you, is there something or someone to look out for? Can I help you in any way?" I ask once she was done eating and she shakes her head.

"I'm fine, I'm safe. I had a mental breakdown, that's all" She says still avoiding looking at me, she didn't at me once.

"Well, if you need something tell me. And talk to me or anyone else whenever you are ready. We are here for you" I was being honest and she knew it.

"I am going to bed, thank you for being so understanding"

She got up, went outside, told everyone she was okay, and went back up. Everyone followed her. We each went into our rooms, did our routine, and went to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I was up all night. I got up and went to the yard to think as I looked into the pool, it was close to the sunrise so I decided to stay there and appreciate the view. Sofia would love this-

"The view is beautiful from here. Imagine how the sunset and sundown are. Delightful" I hear Sofia say as she sits by my side, she couldn't be closer even if she wanted to. Only being on my lap would be closer than this. Her hand touched mine and I looked down at them before smiling.

"It is a gorgeous view. I was thinking about how you would love to see this in every vacation we did, I every place we would stay in you would want to see this and I love it, it's very you" I say happily and see her smile.

"I'm ready to talk" She says as we looked ahead of us and I look at her seeing she seemed to be in peace of mind with her decision.

"Go on then. I am always ready to listen to you cariño" I say as my full attention was now on her and she looks at me before gulping.


My loves!

The votes have been counted. Lando won and Fernando got a close second so I will post the first chapter of both today. I still don't know if I will update them once or twice a week but I still hope you like them.

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

Mr. Arrogant ✞ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now